It Came from Outer Space
Summary: A spaceship from another world crashes in the Arizona desert and only an amateur stargazer and a schoolteacher suspect alien influence when the local townsfolk begin to act strangely.
Runtime: 1 h 21 min
MPAA: Approved
Production: Universal International Pictures (UI)
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 800,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
3 dimensional3dalienalien abductionalien contactalien invasionalien invasion sci fiarizonaarizona desertastrologyastronomerauto theftcar accidentcar theftchasmconvertiblecraterdatingdesertdriving a cardual roledynamiteexplosionextraterrestrialfighthelicopterhoroscopehuman versus alienimpostorinvasioninvasion of earthjoshua treekisslandslidelaser gunlook alikelow budget sci fi moviemeteormineminermonsternarrated by characterno one believes the protagonistno opening creditsobject fills the screenorchestral music scoreouter spacepipe smokingpresumed deadpsychotronic filmreference to a horoscopereference to a zodiac signreference to sagittarius the astrological signreference to scorpio the astrological signriding in a carroadblockschoolteacherscreamscreaming womanshapeshiftingsheriffsmall townsmoking tobaccospacecraftspacecraft accidentstarstar gazingstar the celestial objectstargazingstaring at the sunsubjective camerateachertelescopetheremintrustutility workervoice over narrationwriterzodiac sign
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