Guru, the Mad Monk
Summary: A deranged 15th Century prison colony chaplain exploits his power to get money for his church including murder and grave robbing committed by his vampire mistress and one-eyed hunchback assistant.
Runtime: 1 h 02 min
Production: Maipix Organization
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 11,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1400sassistantblackmailcaptivitychaplainchopping off a handdeathdeceptionfavorgoregrave robbergreedhand chopped offhunchbackigorigor characterindependent filmlesbianismlovemagical potionmultiple murdersmurderneglectneglected estateorchestral music scorepotionpowderpriestprisonpsychotronic filmschizophreniatalking to oneself in a mirrortimeframe 1400svampirewitchcraftwritten by director
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