Doctor Sleep
Supporting cast:
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Parental Guide: +add
MPAA Certification | Rated R for disturbing and violent content, some bloody images, language, nudity and drug use. |
International Certification | Argentina : 16Australia : MA15+Austria : 14Brazil : 16Bulgaria : DCanada : 14A,14A,14A,13+,14+Chile : 14Colombia : 12Czechia : 15Denmark : 15Ecuador : 15Egypt : 18TCFinland : K-16France : 12Germany : 16Hong Kong : IIBHungary : 16Iceland : 16India : A,UAIndonesia : 17+Ireland : 16,15Israel : 14Italy : TJapan : PG12Lithuania : N-16Luxembourg : 16Malaysia : 18Mexico : B15Netherlands : 16New Zealand : R16Nigeria : 18Norway : 15Philippines : R-13Poland : 15Portugal : M/16Russia : 18+Singapore : M18,NC16South Africa : 16South Korea : 15Spain : 16Sweden : 15Switzerland : 16Taiwan : R-12Thailand : 15Turkey : 15+United Kingdom : 15United States : R,RUnited Arab Emirates : PG-15Vietnam : C18 |
IMDb Ratinghttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt5606664/parentalguidelast updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Nudity | There is a naked woman laying in the bed sleeping, she's seen completely from the back and later from the front, breasts are slightly visible, but the picture is very blurry. A woman is layin the bed full nude bottocks visible. Full frontal female nudity is shown several times of the fully naked female from the bathtub scene in The Shining. A scene of female breast nudity is also shown of her in the bathtub with water. |
Violence | A man plunges an axe into a woman, similar to what's done to dick Haloran in the original. The woman survives (via powers) and throws the man down a staircase. A man repeatedly hits another man in the face with a pool table ball. Blood is all over the mans face and some of it sprays onto the floor The deaths in this film are more frequent than in the first 'shining' film, but all contain similar amounts of violence and tone. Danny gets axed in the leg (survives) A woman cuts under her knee, Blood mists are shown after the cut. A girl carves a mans cheek with a knife. Blood is visible making a snake bite. A woman stabs a 12 year old boy in the stomach blood can be seen spraying on his face. |
Profanity | 12 uses of "fuck", some uses of "hell", "damn", "bastard", "bitch" and "shit." |
Alcohol | The main character is an alcoholic. You see him drink a few times in the beginning, but he later tries to hold back. Early on, a woman is seen snorting cocaine and in a later scene a man says he thinks the woman stole his money to buy it. |
Frightening | A number of characters hurt and kill people during this horror movie. This film is more action-sci-fi than horror even though it does have some scary elements "Doctor Sleep" isn't necessarily as scary as its predecessor "The Shining", but it contains a fair amount of scares and violence. The True Knot is a pseudo-cannibalistic cult that goes around the country killing people who possess the shining. They steal their powers through killing them and consuming their "steam" (life force), discarding the bodies when finished. This can be pretty disturbing for some. |
Commonsensemedia Ratinghttps://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/doctor-sleeplast updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Message | In a pretty simple case of good versus evil, characters risk their lives to face difficult odds. |
Role model | Danny starts out as an alcoholic who fights with people, sleeps with random partners, wakes up in strange places, etc. But because Billy goes out of his way to help, Danny gets a job helping others, joins AA, and -- eventually -- risks his life to help little Abra. He even sacrifices himself to save her. |
Violence | Children in peril, screaming in panic/pain, children killed. Death. Characters fight in a bar; someone's face is punched with a pool ball. Bloody wounds/blood stains. Skin peeled off of hand. Guns and shooting; villains dying, turning to dust. Character shoots himself in head. Fighting with axe. Bruised eye. Sexual predator character (older, married man tries to pick up teen girl). Scary music/scary stuff. Jump scare. Fall from high place. Hypodermic needle. Graphic story about deer hunting. |
Sex | Fully naked elderly female ghost (more scary than sexy). A man wakes up naked next to a naked woman; his bare bottom is shown, and she's seen from the side. Kissing. |
Language | A few uses of "f--k," "s--t," "bulls--t," "bitch," "son of a bitch," "ass," and "damn." Also "Jesus" (as an exclamation), "hope to God." |
Consumerism | Mention of Netflix. Coca-Cola vending machine shown. |
Drugs | The main character is an alcoholic. He drinks shots in a bar, wakes up not knowing where he is, vomits. He later attends AA meetings, quits drinking. He also smokes cigarettes. Character snorts cocaine. |