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Cutting Class

Summary: A teenage girl befriends a suspected high school slasher.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Country: United States
Language: English


Supporting cast:

Other cast:


absent fatherafrican americanalliteration in titlealmost hit by a caramerican flagannoying teacherantagonist as protagonistantiheroapplausearrowarrow in one's chestart classart modelathleteattorneyaudio recordingaudio tapeawaken by phone callawkward situationaxeaxe in the headaxe used as a weaponbandbarbare breastsbare buttbarefoot femalebarefoot on the streetbarking dogbartenderbasketballbasketball courtbasketball matchbasketball playerbasketball teambathtubbechdel test failedbiology classblackboardbleachersbloodblood stainbloodhoundbloody facebloody sprayborrowed clothesbossinessbowbow and arrowboyboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbrabrass bandbreaking a windowbreaking and enteringbreaking into a schoolbroken windowbullybullyingburglarycabrioletcamera shot of a woman's bare feetcamera shot of bare feetcamera shot of eyescamera shot of feetcar mechaniccar repaircarrying someonecarrying someone on one's shoulderschained doorchainsawcharacter's point of view camera shotchasecheering crowdcheerleadercheerleader uniformcheerleadingchemistry classchildhood friendchildish womanclassmate classmate relationshipclassroomclaw hammerclaw hammer as a weaponcleanercleaning machinecleaning manclimbing up a ropeclose up of eyescoachcoming of ageconflict between friendscopy machinecountdowncovering someone's mouthcriminalcriminal as protagonistcrying for helpcut to deathcutting someone's throatdamsel in distressdead bodydead body in a closetdeathdeath by throat slittingdeath in schooldeath of fatherdetectivedisbeliefdiscovering a dead bodydistrict attorneydogdomineering fatherdrinking beerdrinking from a bottledrunken boydrunken mandrunken teenagerdrunkennessduckduck hunteating an appleeavesdroppingelectronic music scoreembarrassing female nudityembarrassing nudityends with freeze frameentering through a windowescapeevidenceevil womanf wordfacial scarfailed expectationfalse accusationfalse evidencefather daughter relationshipfather hits sonfather son relationshipfemale bare buttfemale nudityfemale objectificationfemale protagonistfemale rear nudityfightfight between friendsfight in a workshopfilefinding a dead bodyfoot chaseformer mental patientframed photographfreeze framefriendfriendshipfrisbeegaragegas stationgay charactergay teachergirls' locker roomgirls' locker roomgogglesgoregungunshotgym classhammerhammer as weaponhammer to the headhammer used as a weaponhands covering breastshatchetheadmasterheadmaster sexually harasses studenthelicopterhiding in a carhiding in a closethiding in a trash binhiding under stairshigh schoolhigh school basketball teamhigh school gym teacherhit in the facehit on the headhit on the head with a claw hammerhit on the head with a hammerhit on the head with an axehome alonehomeworkhomophobic remarkhot doghunthunting triphysterical manhysterical outbursthysterical teacheridentityimpalementincompetent headmasterincompetent manincompetent principalincompetent teacherincompetent womanindependent filminfantile womaninsanityinvestigationinvestigatorjanitorjealous boyfriendjealous manjealousyjuvenile delinquentkeykicked in the facekicked in the headkilled with a claw hammerkilled with an arrowkiller as protagonistkiller on the loosekiller on the runkilling a flykilling spreeknifeknocking on a car windowknocking on a doorknocking on a glass window in a doorlatex gloveslawyerlifting a female into the airlifting someone into the airlimpinglimping manlistening to country musiclistening to folk musiclistening to musiclistening to music in a carlistening to rock musiclittle boylocked doorlocked inlocked outlocker roomlocking a doorlong haired malelooking at oneself in a mirrorloss of fatherlove trianglemale objectificationmalicemalicious manmalicious teachermalicious womanman and woman tied up togetherman wears a tank topman wears a wigman wears shortsman wears sunglassesman wears sweatpantsmanipulationmanipulative behaviormanipulative boymanipulative manmanipulatormass murdermatchmath classmath problemmathematicsmatronizingmechanicmedical filemental illnessmental patientmentally ill boymentally ill manmentally ill protagonistmentally unstable boymentally unstable manmentally unstable protagonistmissing personmistaken belief that someone is a killermistaken belief that someone is a murderermistaken belief that someone is deadmodelmooningmopmop as a weaponmousemurdermurder by cuttingmurder by stabbingmurder by throat cuttingmurder by throat slashingmurder by throat slittingmurder in schoolmurder investigationmurder suspectmurdered with an axemurderermurderer as protagonistnerdy girlnew in schoolnewspapernewspaper articleno pantiesnudityobscene finger gestureobscene gestureold manopposites attractoutcastoutsiderovenoverheard conversationoverheard telephone conversationoverweight boyoverweight gym teacheroverweight manpantiespanties pulled downpaperboypart time jobpatronizingpeeping tomperversionphone boothphotographplay within a playplaying basketballpointing a gun at someonepolice carpolice detectivepolice dogpolice investigationpolice investigatorpolice operationpolicemanposing for an art classposing for art classprincipalprosecutorpsychological manipulationpsychopathpsychopath as protagonistpublic address systempunched in the facepush upsraised middle fingerrampagereading aloudredheadredneckreference to frankensteinreference to john f. kennedyreference to penis sizereference to shakespeare's hamletreference to william shakespearereference to world war onerehearsalreleased from a mental hospitalreleased from a mental institutionreleased from hospitalrepairing a carrescuerevengeriding a bicycleriding a bikerifleringrivalrivalryroberomantic rivalromantic rivalryroperope climbingrubber glovesrunning latesadismsadistsadistic boysadistic mansadistic violenceschizophreniaschizophrenicscholarshipschool bandschool basketball teamschool bullyschool fileschool gymnasiumschool janitorschool lifeschool radioschool secretaryschoolmate schoolmate relationshipscience experimentscissorsscissors as weaponscreamscreaming girlscreaming womansecretly observingsenior citizenserial killer as protagonistserial murdersexual attractionsexual frustrationsexual harassmentshakespeare quotationshakespearean quoteshootingshot with an arrowsitting on stairsskirtslasherslashing someone's throatslitting someone's throatsmall townsmelling a socksnakesocial outcastsocially awkwardsocially awkward boysocially awkward mansodiumson murders fatherspeechspittingspoofstabbed to deathstabbingstalkerstudent athletestudent bullied by a teacherstudent kills a teacherstudent murders a teachersurprise endingsurvivalsurvival horrorswimsuitswinging on a ropetaking off shirttaking off underweartalking to a dogtalking to an animaltalking to oneselftank toptape recordertarget shootingteacher matronizes a studentteacher patronizes studentteacher sexually harasses a studentteacher sexually harasses studentteacher student relationshipteen angstteen slasherteenage boyteenage criminalteenage crushteenage girlteenage murdererteenage protagonistteenage psychopathteenage romanceteenage serial killertelephone boothtelephone calltelling someone to shut upthreatened with a mopthreatened with a pair of scissorsthreatened with an axethreatened with scissorsthroat slittingthrowing a bottlethrowing something at someonetied togethertitle spoken by charactertoweltrampolinetricycletrying on clothestwo word titleunderage drinkingunderwearupskirtvice principalviolenceviolent boyviolent manvisevisitvisitorvoyeurvoyeurismwashing hairwashing one's facewashing one's hairwashing one's handswatching someone sleepwhistlingwhite mousewhite pantieswhodunitwitness to a murderwoken by a telephone callwoken up by noiseswoman in jeopardywoman wears a bathrobewomanchildworkshopwormwriting on a blackboard

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