Creepshow 2
Summary: Three macabre tales from the latest issue of a boy's favorite comic book, dealing with a vengeful wooden Native American, a monstrous blob in a lake, and an undying hitchhiker.
Release Date: April 17, 2019
Michael Gornick
Runtime: 1 h 32 min
MPAA: 13+
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 3,500,000
Domestic: $ 14,000,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
adulterous wifealarm clockanimated sequenceanthologyarrow in chestbare breastsbare chested malebased on short storiesbased on short storybased on the works of stephen kingbicycle chaseblack comedyblack humorbloody violencebrunettebulliescar accidentcarbon monoxide poisoningcigar store indiancrushed by a cardark comedydeath by shotgundouble murderduckeaten alivefamily relationshipsfemale nuditygrindhouse filmheld at gunpointhit and runhitchhikerhorror anthologyhusband wife relationshipinfidelitykilled by gunshotlakelive action and animationliving statuemainemale prostituteman eating plantmarijuanamelting womanmercedes benzmurder of a childnumbered sequelold couplepart animatedpinball machinepsychotronic filmraftreference to the cisco kidrolexscalpingsequelsexual assaultshot in the chestshot in the headsilver turquoise pendantstore robberysurrealismswimmingswimming with clothes ontalking to yourselfthree partsthree storiesturquoise jewelerytwo word titlevenus flytrapvomitingwar paintwooden american indian
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