Captain Blood
Summary: After treating a Monmouth rebel against King James II in 1680s England, a young Irish doctor is exiled as a slave to Jamaica where he captures a Spanish galleon and becomes the most feared pirate of the Caribbean.
Release Date: December 28, 1935
Michael Curtiz
Runtime: 1 h 59 min
MPAA: Approved
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 1,200,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
action heroangerattitude adjustmentauthor's name in taglineavengerbare chested malebondagebritish flagcaptaincharacter name as titledamsel in distressdeath penaltydeceptiondesperationdoctorflintlock pistolflintlock rifleflogginggoutgovernorgreedgriefhistorical eventhostagehuman brandingimprisonmentisla tortugajamaicajamaica slave marketjury trialkingston jamaicamale female relationshipmen in tightsmonmouth rebellionnaval battlephysicianpiece of eightpirateport royalransomreprisalretributionrevenge seekerrusesailing shipsea adventuresea battleslaveslave auctionslavery as punishmentstabbed in the abdomenstrifeswashbucklersword fightswordsmantimeframe 1680stitle spoken by charactertreacherytreasuretrickvindicationviolencewest indieswhippingwrongful imprisonmentyear 1687
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