Summary: A Japanese gangster is exiled to Los Angeles where his brother lives with a small but respectable multi-racial gang, who he inspires to expand their influence.
Runtime: 1 h 54 min
Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 10,000,000
Domestic: $ 450,594
International: $ 14,800,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
accountantbagbasketballbellhopbicyclebirthday partyblackmailbloodblood on camera lensblood on the floorblood splatterbondbroken bottlebrother brother relationshipbrotherhoodbusinesscaliforniacarcar bombcell phoneceremonycharacter's point of view camera shotchopsticks the eating utensilcigar smokingcrime familydesertdicedinerdirected by stardisembowelmentdisfigured facedolldripping blooddrug wardry humorembassyextreme violenceeye gouged outfingerfinger cut offganggang membergang violencegangstergas stationgorehandgunhead cut offhighwayhotelindependent filminterracial friendshipjapanknifelast standletterlimousinelos angeles californialoyaltymafiamass killingmob violencemoneymotelmurderone word titlepaper airplanepeep holepistolpolicepolice corruptionracial commentracial violencerestaurantsacrificesakeself sacrificeseppukusevered fingersevered headshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the eyeshot in the faceshot in the headshot in the shouldershot in the stomachshot multiple timesshot point blankshot through a doorshot to deathstabbed in the eyestabbed in the nosesubjective camerasubmachine gunsuicidesuicide pillsuitsunglassestattoo on backtattooingtaxithugtiptitle spoken by characterusaviolencewritten and directed by cast memberyakuza
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