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A Touch of Sin

Summary: Four independent stories set in modern China about random acts of violence.
Release Date: December 11, 2013
Genres: Action, Drama
Runtime: 2 h 10 min

Countries: China, Japan, France
Language: Chinese
Domestic: $ 154,120
International: $ 700,771
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
2010saccountantactual animal killedalienationanimal on fireanomieassassinbeatingbeating a horsebeating a horsebloodblood spatterblood splatterbrains blown outbureaucracycapitalismchinachinese operachinese womanchungking chinaclass differencesclass strugglecoal minecorruptioncovered with blooddecadencedehumanizationdiabeticdisplacementdownward spiraleating noodlesembezzlementembezzlerextramarital affairfactory workerfalling to deathfireworksgoldfish in a plastic baggoldfish in a plastic baghand injuryhatchethit with a shovelhorsehorse drawn carthumiliationimpossible loveinjusticejealous wifejumping off a balconykilling a chickenkilling bosskilling bosskilling spreeknifeman hits a woman over and overman hits a woman over and overman wears a tuxedomarried manmigrant workermodern chinamotorcyclemotorcycle ridingmurdermurder with robberymurder with robberynew year's eveover turned truckover turned truckpocket knifepost communismpost communismprostitutereturn homereturn of sonriflesaunaself defenceself injectionsewing shopsewing shopshanxi chinashot in the backshot in the chestshot in the headshot in the head point blankshot in the head point blankslashed across the chestslashed across the chestslashed with a knifesnakesocial violencespilled loadspilled loadsplit lipstabbed in the bellysuicidesuicide jumpsurrounded by snakessurrounded by snakestimeframe 2010strain stationvictim kills assailantvictim kills assailantviolenceviolence against a womanwoman hitchhikeswoman hitchhikeswoman wears a miniskirtwoman wears a string bikiniwoman wears a uniformwoman wears an animal print dresswoman wears an animal print dresswomen singingwomen singingwork accidentworking classworkplace injuryworkplace injury
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