A Christmas Story
Summary: In the 1940s, a young boy named Ralphie Parker attempts to convince his parents, teacher, and Santa Claus that a Red Ryder Range 200 Shot BB gun really is the perfect Christmas gift.
Runtime: 1 h 33 min
Distributor: MGM/UA Entertainment Company, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), MGM Home Entertainment, MGM/UA Home Entertainment, Showtime Networks, TBS Superstation, TNT, KTLA, WPIX, Turner Broadcasting System (TBS), Warner Home Video, HBO Max, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Studio Distribution Services (SDS), Cartoon Network
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 3,300,000
Domestic: $ 20,778,141
International: $ 14,548
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1940s9 year oldaccidental shootingadult narrator of child characteranimal costumebar of soapbarterbased on novelbathroombb gunbeatingblindnessbloody nosebowling ballboyboy wears eyeglassesboyhoodbroken eyeglassesbroken glassesbroken lampbrother brother relationshipbulletbullybully comeuppancebullyingbunny costumecabbagechanging a tirechild cryingchild narratorchild protagonistchild swearingchild's point of viewchildhoodchildhood memorychildrenchinese americanchinese foodchinese restaurantchristmaschristmas carolchristmas daychristmas in titlechristmas presentchristmas seasonchristmas treechristmas tree dealerclassroomcodecompetitioncostumecowboy hatcowboy outfitcratecrycry quietlycryingcult filmcutdaredaydreamdaydreamerdaydreamingdecorating a christmas treedepartment storedinnerdinner tabledogdog stealing fooddream sequenceessayeye injuryeyeglassesf wordface in foodfake cryingfake plastic teethfamily dinnerfamily homefamily relationshipsfantasy sequencefather son relationshipfemale teacherfire fighterfirst of seriesflat tirefruit basketglassesgrazehiding under a tableholiday in titlehound doghubcapicicleimagining one's future selfindianainjured noseinjury treatinglampleg lamplifting someone into the airlistening to a radiolittle boylittle orphan annielittle orphan annie radio showlooking at the cameramale protagonistmall santamarriagemeat cleavermedicinememorymother son relationshipmouth washed with soapnarratornosebleednostalgiaobscene languageobsessionparadepink bunnyplaygroundpower outageprizeprofanitypunched in the facequeueradioradio showralphie parker characterreference to gilligan's island all about evareference to gilligan's island the matchmakerreference to gilligan's island the return of wrongway feldmanreference to little orphan anniereference to look magazinereference to mickey mousereference to my three sons chip's harvestreference to the homecoming a christmas storyreference to the lone rangerreference to the wizard of ozreference to western unionreference to where the boys aresanta claussanta claus characterschoolsecret decoder ringshop windowslideslimehouseslow motion scenesmall townsmall woundsmilesnowsoapspankingspitting like a hillbillysticking out one's tonguetarget practicetelegramtelephone callthree word titletimeframe 1940stonguetongue stuck on a poletongue stuck to icetoy guntoy rifletriple dog darevoice over narrationwashclothwashcloth on woundwicked witch of the west characterwindow shoppingwitch costumeyounger version of adult narrator
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