Chris Plante Shows the Insane Inconsistency of Feminist Scolds

Fat AmyYes Means Yes Chris Plante Shows the Insane Inconsistency of Feminist Scolds November 21, 2014 By Mollie Hemingway Earlier this week, my colleague Robert Tracinski wrote about the lessons we could learn from the ridiculous freakout some feminists had over the shirt worn by scientist Matt Taylor. The third lesson dealt with how there’s no rhyme, reason, or consistency to modern feminism: There are no logically consistent rules. If there were some rule of common sense to all of this—or any rules at all—that would be one thing. The feminist orthodoxy would constitute a new sexual etiquette, and while we might question whether the new rules are necessary or whether they’re excessively Victorian in their restrictiveness, we would at least know how to comply with them. But...

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Nov 21st 2014
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