Here’s How ‘Let There Be Light’ Shames Studio Dramas

Faith based indie films may have noble intentions, but they can be stiff in places where it matters most.

A clunky laugh line here. An ill-advised supporting turn there.

Not “Let There Be Light.”

Director/star Kevin Sorbo’s film features a Christian redemption much like its predecessors.

So what’s different? This is a family affair. The actor’s wife, Sam Sorbo, co-wrote the script and stars as her husband’s on-screen wife. Their sons play the couple’s kids.

Together, they do more than suggest a real family in crisis. They bring a warmth to the narrative that’s both loose-limbed and true.

Kevin Sorbo stars as Dr. Sol Harkens, a loud and proud atheist making a killing by crushing Christ. He bulldozes a man of faith...

Proper Review
Oct 30th 2017
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