Why ‘The Misogynists’ Is a Minor Hollywood Miracle

It’s hard not to expect the mother of all anti-Trump diatribes from “The Misogynists.”

The film, which recently screened at the Denver Film Festival, follows two Donald Trump acolytes in the waning hours of Election Day 2016. The title suggests a rigorous take on Trump’s infamous “Access Hollywood” tape.

Or worse.

Fueling those expectations? Hollywood’s nonstop rage against all things Trump, plus how quickly the film was conceived and produced. You expect the screen to be coated with spittle and bile.

At times it is.

Yet for much of its running time “The Misogynists” offers a modicum of balance, at least as much of it as modern Hollywood is capable of delivering.

Dylan Baker is Cameron, a hard drinking Trump...

Proper Review
Nov 7th 2017
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