Biden’s Anti-Violence Malarkey | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 1086
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Like this video? For more Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire content, subscribe to this channel and ring the bell for notifications so you never miss a story!joe biden announces violence on all sides but never mentions black lives matter or antifa as the media sing his praises trump defends kyle rittenhouse and paintball gun wielding protesters in portland and the media demand trump visit with jacob lake's family i'm ben shapiro this is the ben shapiro show [Music] the ben shapiro show is sponsored by expressvpn your data is your business protected at ben okay so yesterday joe biden traveled to pennsylvania not to kenosha wisconsin because he understood that the backdrop of burned cities cities burned by people presumably who largely support him would have been kind of bad so instead he went to pittsburgh he flew out of his basement to pittsburgh he spoke for approximately 12 minutes he got back in his plane he got back in his basement that was his schedule yesterday and in the process of those 12 minutes he apparently did something great and phenomenal he said violence is bad violence is very very bad guys now this is really not enough and the way you know this isn't enough is because the riots continued in portland last night but saying violence is bad is apparently all that was required of joe biden now that's kind of weird it's a weird take because normally if you're going to denounce violence what you have to do is denounce the movement that is causing the violence you have to denounce the people who are associated with the violence you can't just come out and say all violence is bad this would be called obfuscating in fact it would be a form of moral cowardice to do the routine where there's violence in america's major cities and then you just say you know what i don't like things burning violence is not good that is completely useless in fact it is not only useless it is counterproductive when you then go ahead and grant credence to all of the arguments of the people who are trying to literally burn buildings and that's exactly what joe biden did but the media have set up a bar so low for joe biden so unbelievably low for joe biden that it would be nearly impossible for him not to clear the bar unless you were actually dead and i joke about joe biden being dead and the truth is he's only about half dead right he's he's only mostly dead i've seen worse i've seen wars he's only mostly dead so all joe biden really had to do according to the media we just come out and be like riding is bad and looting is bad and that's it that's it and stay awake for 12 minutes and take no questions and turn around and go back to his basement in delaware and that's precisely what joe biden did and the media celebrated what an act of heroism where is trump doing the same thing why can't trump say that violence and looting are bad okay trump has said that violence and looting are bad you know what else trump has done he has offered federal force to every major american city to help quell this stuff and democrats all over the united states have turned down the federal aid that president trump has offered and then claimed that this is all trump's fault so this is really not about president trump these are not trump supporters in the major cities who are burning and rioting and looting and so far the only evidence we have of somebody who is a trump supporter killing anybody it probably looks like self-defense which is that kyle rittenhouse case which we'll get to in just a little while yet the media tweeted joe biden's statement yesterday as a unifying presidential statement and this is very reminiscent of the treatment that the media used to give barack obama who would make unbelievably divisive statements on issues ranging from race to riots and then they would say well didn't he just bring the country together see obama had a gift of speaking incredibly vaguely such that you could project your feelings onto him and joe biden is a great front man for exactly the same thing because joe biden as you'll see in the speech that he gave yesterday he said the quiet part out loud he said do i look like a radical and the answer is no he doesn't look like a radical in fact he looks like the front man for a radical group joe biden looks like the guy they put out front who doesn't look radical specifically so they can then make him his meat puppet their meat puppet and basically just manipulate him however they damn well please and the way you can tell they are doing this is again an act of moral courage would be to say antifa is evil and they are committing acts of evil an act of moral courage would be to say that the black lives matter movement has rioters and looters associated with it who are evil right that would have been the act of moral courage and in fact exactly that sort of moral courage was demanded of president trump quite rightly with regard to charlottesville as i mentioned yesterday but it's never demanded of joe biden in fact if you listen to joe biden's little address yesterday i did a word account on it joe biden name-checked armed militias he name-checked armed militias or right-wing militias three times he he did not mention antifa or blm he name checked white nationalist once and white supremacist ones if you listen to his speech yesterday what you would have gathered from it if you'd come from mars and just landed in the middle of this political cycle you'd have gathered that armed white bands of people who were right-wing were gathering in america's major cities and rioting and looting and robbing and burning that's what you would have gathered from the speech because not once did he name check the actual groups that were committing these acts of violence now i've been informed by the left that silence is violence that if you don't if you don't repeat the messages they want you to repeat you're very bad i've also been informed by the left it's very important to say their names right and so we have said the names of people on this program and we've reviewed the cases of people on this program who are shot by police and we've talked about the legal situations regarding each one of these people we've talked about the george floyd situation and whether that actually constitutes a second degree murder or whether it just constitutes excessive force we've talked about the jacob blake case we've talked about the brianna taylor case we've talked about the richard brooks case those are all names we've said all of them here on the show well if you're going to do say their names so that we can talk about the real issues at play in america then you must you must say the names of the groups that are actually committing the violence joe biden didn't do that in fact joe biden played a rather nasty little trick and the media were completely complicit the gap between what biden should have said and what biden did say was completely filled by the media the media are now in the business of backfilling whatever they think biden should say by pretending he said it so let's go through what joe biden actually said because this was apparently an earth-shatteringly good speech a very very powerful powerful speech that basically fulfilled all of joe biden's obligations we're going to go through in detail in a way that the media will not today we're going to go through joe biden's speech and we're gonna talk about what he actually said and what he should have said and what he didn't say and what he didn't say is of course the most important part of this particular formula so biden shows up in pittsburgh pennsylvania against a backdrop of american flags looking not great i mean as we'll see joe biden kind of stumbled and bumbled his way through this one and there's a reason that there's talk of him not debating president trump the man has clearly declined which is a separate issue from the fact that he's a moral coward but he began his speech by suggesting that president trump is the one who is rooting for the riots which again is a weird take considering that it is mayor ted wheeler a democrat in portland who has allowed riots to continue unabated for three straight months that it was seattle that allowed a full-on communist terror state to be set up in the middle of their city that it's chicago that had to raise the bridges because the chicago loop was being ransacked there was washington dc where the suburbs were actually being ransacked in the middle of the blm protest slash riots and looting that it was new york city where fifth avenue was being attacked led by bill de blasio none of these places tend to be particularly trump friendly nor are the people who are rioting and looting doing so at the behest of president trump those people hate president trump yet here was joe biden blaming trump for everything bad that happens again this was the theme of the dnc joe biden and the democrats continue to try and make the election referendum on donald trump's character it's difficult to make it a referendum on donald trump's character when your party has poo poo to antifa i'm old enough to remember because i'm more again than three months old when republicans and democrats held a hearing in the senate and antifa was mentioned repeatedly and democrats literally refused to acknowledge that antifa existed anyway here was joe biden trying to blame trump for this yesterday in pittsburgh the incumbent president is incapable of telling us the truth and capable of facing the facts and incapable of healing he doesn't want to shed light he wants to generate heat and he's stroking violence in our cities oh he's the one who's first of all stroking violence stoking violence you i understand that everything looks like stroking to joe biden particularly when he is in any sort of close contact with a woman who uh who is apparently not related to him but no he's not stroking violence in the city's joe that would be the democrats who continue to maintain lack of order in their cities you know what stops disorder order and you know what democrats have not provided that okay so then here is the part where everybody was like gaga over joe biden what what what courage okay so remember the narrative here the narrative according to joe biden and you'll see it played throughout the speech is that donald trump is responsible for the writing and the looting that police brutality is responsible for the rioting and the looting the white nationalists and armed right-wing militias are responsible for the rioting and the looting it is not in fact radical racial activists who are going around burning and looting it is not in fact radical communists in anarchists like members of antifa it is just those three forces those are the only ones that are bad the only ones who are bad here are trump the quote unquote armed right with militias and the police those are the only three groups that are bad so here he was going after the cops and now we have to stand against violence and every former takes violence we've seen again and again and again of unwarranted police shooting excessive force seven bullets in the back of jacob blake nean the neck of george floyd killing a brianna taylor in her own apartment violence of extremists and opportunist right-wing militias this is insane okay this is an insane statement and it's an act again of moral cowardice we have to stand against violence in every form it takes and where does he begin he begins with the cops the cops are the bad guys again this is supposed to be the unifying speech this is the guy who's going to bring the country together he begins with the idea that the biggest problem in america is police violence excessive force and then the number one case he cites is the case of jacob blake which is a nuts okay again the case of jacob blake is a case where a man had an open warrant for sexual assault and domestic abuse the only reason the cops were there is because a prior victim of sexual assault by jacob blake called the cops because that morning according to the new york post he raped her again he went into her room where she was sleeping with her kid and shoved his fingers up her okay this is according to her allegation the cops showed up they tried to arrest him he refused to be arrested they tried to tase him he wouldn't stay on the ground he walked around the side of the car he reached into his car there was a knife on the floorboards of the driver's side of his car and they shot him and this is the number one case of violence in every form it takes according to joe biden and this is a great unifying speech this is a great unifying speech he cites george floyd as as one of these cases of the violence that is completely unnecessary you can make the case on george floyd that it was excessive force and in fact prosecutors will make that case the case on second degree murder is a lot less certain especially because there are separate autopsies concluding that he died because there's an enormous amount of fentanyl in his system enough to kill a horse the killing of brianna taylor may be a tragedy but it was not in fact a a law violation they had a justly taken no knock warrant on her apartment there's a man in the apartment who shot at the cops and in the crossfire brianna taylor was killed there's now very solid evidence that has been put forth that bri that linked brianna taylor with drug trafficking okay that does not mean that she should have died but to pretend that what happened there was a result of police malice and then who else does he cite violence of extremists and opportunists what kind of extremism what kind of opportunist joe who are you talking about there i have no idea what that means who are the extremists who are the opportunists and then right-wing militias so just to again get this straight joe biden is condemning violence from all sides except for the people who he thinks are part of his coalition antifa and blm that is what he is condemning yesterday we'll continue with this this was the constant theme and again the media just filled in the gap for him the media like oh well now he's condemned all violence where's trump condemning all the violence he didn't condemn all violence he condemned violence from people that he doesn't like and he completely ignored the vast bulk of violence that's been happening in the united states since may he ignored it and instead decided to cast that as a a right-wing problem which is the highest form of gaslighting i've seen in politics in quite some time we've seen a lot of gaslighting this year we'll get some more of this in just one second first let's talk about how frustrating it is to pay for something then find out that you could have gotten a much better deal elsewhere this happens pretty much every time you look at that cell phone bill you're like wow why is this costing me like hundreds of dollars a month i'll tell you why because you're paying for the 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pound two five zero say keyword ben shapiro to get started okay joe biden continued along these lines and this is the part and now he's really getting going here guys because he says rioting and looting are bad now it is true that 13 members of his campaign staff literally pay to bail rioters and looters out of jail in minneapolis it is true that his vice presidential his vice presidential candidate kamala harris joined that group and tried to have these people bailed out of jail it is also true that the that members of the democratic party have routinely pretended that rioting and looting are not happening and that if they are happening they are the natural outgrowth of legitimate anger that's the ayana presley position but apparently joe biden said enough yesterday because he says i know again the moral the moral bar is so low here that all he had to say according to the media was i don't like when people break into businesses and burn stuff here was joe biden saying he doesn't like it when people break into businesses and burn stuff and to derail any hope and support for progress the senseless violence of looting and burning and destruction of property i want to make it absolutely clear something very clear about all of this rioting is not protesting looting is not protesting setting fires is not protesting none of this is protesting it's lawlessness plain and simple and those who do it should be prosecuted violence will not bring change it will only bring destruction it's wrong in every way it divides instead of unites destroys businesses only hurts the working families that serve the community it makes things worse across the board not better now i'm happy that he's saying that um crimes should be prosecuted because it turns out that democratic da's all across the united states democratic states attorneys all across the united states have decided to not prosecute people who have involved themselves in rioting and looting and violence in fact they've decided to let them out of jail in fact the man who shot the antifa member who allegedly shot a trump supporter to death in portland the other day was arrested on june 5th and then he was immediately released without any charges being filed against him despite a gun charge against him so i'm glad that joe biden has decided to go back to being tough on crime joe biden from 1994 oh wait he's not going to do any of that okay then of course joe biden moves on to his real point which is that it's donald's trump fault it's donald trump's fault now in here is the implicit threat the implicit threat here is that if donald trump is reelected things are going to get worse elect me and magically all of this will disappear now it probably isn't true because the truth is i don't think that joe biden is actually in control of the rioters and looters as demonstrated by the fact that the writing and looting continued last night in portland as demonstrated by the fact that we had major riots in the united states in ferguson in baltimore in milwaukee while joe biden was vice president of the united states so this magical notion that joe biden is going to heal all divides and and patch over the american soul is sure crap i mean it's just not true at all but the threat is there we'll get to joe biden's tacit threat the tacit threat to the united states which is if you keep electing people we don't like then people that i like are going to keep burning things we'll get to that in a second first let us talk about how important it is to protect your online data i mean you know you know there are lots of people who are out there to hack you there's all sorts of malware that is out there to make your life miserable there's ransomware that is designed to lock up files that you need unless you pay somebody exorbitant amounts of money a lot of evil folks out there who want to invade your data and this is why you need pcmatic pcmatic is a next-generation anti-virus designed to stop modern threats like 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running great go to that's ben okay then joe biden continues and of course he blames donald trump and the implicit threat here is if you keep electing donald trump the violence will continue but if you elect me magically things will go away well weird weird so either he's in control of the riders or he's not in control of the rioters but here was joe biden making the tacit threat fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames rather than fighting the flames but we must not burn we have to build this president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country he can't stop the violence because for years he's fomented it you know he may believe mouthing the words law and order makes him strong but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is does anyone believe there'll be less violence in america if donald trump is reelected in other words if you're like me the violence will stop by the way it is amazing to know amazing this entire speech at no point does joe biden say anyone who supports me who's out there riding and looting needs to stop right now i'm talking to i may support the agenda of blm but if you are associated with blm and you're rioting and you're looting stop that right now you're not doing good work antifa if you're out there right now listening to sound of my voice and i'm joe biden and you think that you're helping me out you're not stop it right he won't say any of that stuff because he specifically will not call out anybody on his own side of the aisle he won't you think those people are trump supporters so while he's saying that armed militias are being emboldened by president trump it's not the armed militias that are causing the violence in america's major cities this has been going on for months on end months on end this is i mean this was a seriously despicable speech it really was and the fact that everybody is trying to treat it as though it was a monumental statement of moral courage just demonstrates their own biases because if donald trump gave the same exact speech if he gave the same exact speech right in reverse it would be charlottesville and this would be the reason that joe biden decided to run okay so here is joe biden saying talking about the crises that are facing the united states again you may notice one crisis facing the united states that he refuses to call out he's gonna name you a bunch of crises and again he's gonna name check the white nationalists who again were not responsible for like the white nationalists they're responsible for a lot of bad things they're evil they don't like people like me with my funny little hat and my judaism and everything okay they've literally targeted me but here's joe biden blaming the white nationalist for a bunch of antifa members and black lives matter members running around burning things and attacking police officers and generally making life unlivable in in major swaths of american cities we need justice in america we need safety in america we're facing multiple crises crisis under donald trump have kept multiplying coveted economic devastation unwarranted police violence emboldened white nationalists a reckoning on race declining faith and the birth and the of the right american future this is an incredible litany that he puts out there again the litany of issues facing the united states this is a speech about violence and looting and writing here are the things that he names kovid which is not trump's fault economic devastation which is a direct result of covet and of insane democratic lockdowns that continue in states like new york and new jersey where there's no uptick and an extraordinarily low rate of transmission unwarranted police violence or he name checks that first it's about the cops the cops are bad guys white nationalists okay what do they have to do with anything going on in america's major cities again even the cases where you've got the militia members who are showing up in these cities patriot prayer is not a white nationalist group kyle rittenhouse who's not a white nationalist a reckoning on race i love the stop pedaling there it's a reckoning what we're watching are reckoning so when blm burns cities that's a reckoning guys it's a reckoning but don't worry this was again i've been told a statement of moral courage and then joe biden says the quiet part out loud he says listen i'm the soft face of the radicals behind me he says look at me look at me i'm not i'm not radical i'm not a socialist do i look like somebody who's in favor of rights no you don't joe you look like a corpse you know you look like the dead front you look like el said you look like a dead man propped onto a horse so the radicals behind you can charge forward to victory that's what you look like that is what joe biden looks like that's why he's there okay joe biden is not there maybe he's there because there are a lot of moderate democrats who didn't want those people running the show but in effect what joe biden is is a front man for that he proved that by selecting as his running mate kamal harris who again was explicitly asking for rioters and looters to be bailed out of prison in minnesota here is joe biden saying don't i make like a nice facade for all the radicalism don't i you know me you know my heart you know my story my family story ask yourself do i look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters really i want a safe america safe from covert safe from crime and looting safe from racially motivated violence safe from bad cops let me be crystal clear safe from four more years of donald trump okay again that is amazing that right now you're watching riots in the cities and you're like oh yeah that will keep you safe from trump marauding orange bad man okay in a second we'll get to more of the this is donald trump's fault because this is a bizarre case like a really bizarre case remember the people who are riding in these cities are all people who are going to go vote for biden if they vote no not one of those people is a trump supporter not one he'll get some more of this in just one second first let us talk about the fact that as we slowly adjust to what's happening in the united states it's now been months and months and months and months one of the things you probably don't want to be doing is heading on over to the post office this is why you should be using in fact thousands of small business owners have discovered the benefits of in recent months i've been using for years so it came as no shock to me nor as as an additional benefit when everything that's been happening started happening i already knew but i've been able to inform you for a long time that is a better way of sending your mail with you can print posted john demand and avoid going to the post office and you'll save money with discounted rates you can't even get at the post office also offers ups services with 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is seeing a political lifeline here so he is just going to engage in the tried and true media tactic of republicans pounds so democrats do

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