All The Things Must Be Made Woke | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 1091

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shapiro to get started with puretalk usa okay so the world is a flame and it's a flame because wait for it wait for it donald trump has now been nominated for a nobel peace prize which is hilarious so the reason it's hilarious is because everybody's gonna react with with just utter amazement astonishment shock people are going to be appalled you're going to see cnn today melt down how could trump this giant orange buffoon be nominated for a nobel peace prize well a norwegian parliamentarian has now nominated trump for the nobel peace prize it was submitted by christian tybring jedi a member of the norwegian parliament who allowed trump for his efforts to resolving protracted conflicts worldwide he's a foreign member of parliament he serves as chairman of the norwegian delegation to the nato parliamentary assembly now remember trump was widely perceived as the anti-nato he did not pull out of nato shetty said for his merit i think he's done more to try to create peace between nations than most other peace prize nominees he said the trump administration has played a key role in the establishment of relations between israel and the uae the united arab emirates as it is expected other middle eastern countries follow will follow in the footsteps of the uae this agreement could be a game changer that will turn the middle east into a region of cooperation and prosperity he wrote also cited in the letter was the president's quote key role in facilitating contact between conflicting parties and creating new dynamics and other protracted conflicts such as the kashmir border dispute between india and pakistan and the conflict between north and south korea as well as dealing with the nuclear capabilities of north korea also he praised trump for withdrawing a large number of troops from the middle east he said indeed trump has broken a 39 year old streak of american presidents either starting a war or bringing the united states into an international armed conflict the last president to avoid doing so was peace prize laureate jimmy carter now this is not the first time that trump has been nominated this same norwegian parliamentarian submitted a nomination for trump in 2018 after trump met with kim jong-un in 2018 japan's prime minister reportedly did the same and tried bringing shady is a member of a conservative leaning populist party in norway he said i'm not a big trump supporter but the fact is that a lot of people have gotten the prize for doing a lot less he said quote for example barack obama did nothing that is fair that is true you'll recall that even when barack obama won the nobel prize he's like what why am i here i don't even know i guess just because i'm breathing and because i'm the first black president so nobel prize for me okay it was very weird his noble peace prize acceptance speech was was very awkward okay the fact is that trump's foreign policy has actually been the best part of his administration so i know a lot of people are into the judges and some are into the cuts to to the regulatory state some people are even into the tweets although i would say that bipolar number is not a huge number but the fact is just on an objective level trump's foreign policy has been the most successful part of his administration and that doesn't mean that i agree with everything trumpian about foreign policy i think that his treatment of kim jong-un was ridiculous i thought that it was completely mishandled i i never thought that that hanging out with kim jong-un was going to change anybody's mind i never liked his kind words about vladimir putin early on in his administration but trump's anti-china stance has been quite transformative for a number of countries including taiwan trump's willingness to face up to the problem of china is going to have long and far-reaching applications for the next couple of decades of american history especially should he be re-elected if joe biden is elected there's a reason that china is stumping for biden to be elected in trump's place and most of all in the middle east trump's activity has been utterly transformative i mean the fact is that the israel uae deal that got cut just a few weeks ago the normalization of relations between israel and the uae that is the first peace deal in the region since 1994 when jordan signed a deal with israel it is the first long-lasting peace deal since 94 and before that since israel and egypt cut a deal and it is the most transformative deal in a certain way because it is full normalization of relations it's not a cold piece it's much more like a warm piece in which there is exchange of economic information and in which there is security cooperation saudi arabia is allowing israel to use its airspace my guess is that if president trump is re-elected saudi will probably normalize relations with israel as well we have seen that that both serbia and and serbia and kosovo have both cut a deal that involves moving embassies to jerusalem we're going to see other countries follow suit what we are watching is a warming of relations between many members of the muslim and arab world and the state of israel which is an extraordinary proposition it truly is i mean that that is something that every president has set their eyes upon but every president except for trump bought into the myth that the only way the peace was going to get done in the middle east was via the palestinians which was always untrue that was never at the heart of israeli arab relations i mean you could tell that if you'd studied one iota of history because the palestinians didn't have an independent rooting interest effectively until 1967 since the west bank and the gaza strip at that point were controlled by jordan and egypt respectively the bottom line here is that what trump has done is he has utterly refocused the middle east in terms of economics in terms of politics away from the intransigence palestinian leadership which is terrorist and orientation pro-iranian and orientation and toward a broader sort of view of the future of the region as a place where israel will continue to exist and will have economic interrelations with other countries now to be fair maybe obama should get half the nobel prize if trump were to win because it was obama's sycophancy toward the iranian regime that allowed for that transformation in middle eastern politics it was because barack obama saw fit to try and raise the profile of the iranian regime try to strengthen them gave them hundreds of billions of dollars in access to the markets in exchange for a promise to hold off on a nuclear weapon for a short period of time after which they could full-on develop a nuclear weapon and because of that the sunni arab world decided hey wait a second it turns out the jews are not the problem here it turns out that maybe the iranians are the problem here and the jews can actually be helpful here and that has radically transformed the middle east and trump took full advantage of that radical realignment in the middle east whatever the case may be the fact is that the work that the trump administration has done in the middle east is far more transformative than anything bill clinton did it is far more than barack obama did and it is worthwhile noting by the way that for all the talk about trump remember when he came into office people on the left he's a warmonger he's gonna come in here he's gonna start worse that was always nonsense if you follow trump's rhetoric one thing he has always been is quasi isolationist in terms of his foreign policy and the fact is that trump is the only president in modern american history not to have involved himself in a war and particularly in war without congressional approval in fact the only uses of force that he has authorized are extraordinarily targeted uses of force like the killing of hassem solimani in iraq the iranian terrorist leader in iraq or the missile firing into syria but barack obama started a full-scale non-congressionally authorized war in libya that went on for months on end and nobody said boo he had a drone war that was spanning the globe and nobody said boo captain nobel prize over there so for all of the members of the media who are going to be complaining about trump being nominated for the nobel prize first of all probably ain't going to win it but second of all he probably deserves to win it because honestly if i look at the rest of the nominees who are going to be up this year unless they are going to give it to some sort of hong kong activist i really don't see who else is even nominated who has done anything remotely as transformative as what trump has done in the middle east it's an actual major accomplishment it really is and the media have been downplaying it because it doesn't fit with the image of trump as a blunderer and a buffoon and a stupid man who goes on twitter every morning but bottom line is if he's in charge of his administration then he gets credit for it so it'll be fun to watch all of the hair on fire this morning in a second we're going to get to the latest polls because the latest poll information suggests that trump is still a heavy underdog against joe biden has about a 30 shot of winning re-election at this point but the national polls are not reflective of the state polls and the state polls are getting tighter in some places they seem to be widening a little bit and others we'll get to that in just one moment first let us talk about how you protect your online safety and security there are a lot of people who are going to target you for online hacking just because of of your beliefs these days and you've seen all of these stories about members of left-wing online brigades targeting people and swamping people you've seen antifa members who are going after people's online information in order to go after them i mean all this stuff is really really ugly and it's getting uglier out there and this is why you really owe 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for my fans there's a reason i myself trust expressvpn on all my devices that is for three months free with a one-year package visit ben to get started okay so looking at the latest polls you can sense there's a lot of unease in the democratic circles uh first expressed by joy behar so joy behar yesterday on the view she obviously is extremely worried that trump could still win democrats still living in the hangover of 2016 when obviously everyone expected that hillary clinton was going to be president and then she emerged to uh to be not president wandering the woods of chappaqua lonely and alone carrying around a replica of the oval office desk to come for her uh here is joy behar on on the view trying to explain why she is so disquieted i'm more worried that trump could pull this off though because of various reasons and we all see the polls and we see that biden is ahead uh but uh the russian interference uh is a alive and kicking uh facebook is continuing to leave all the lies on on the pages um the postal service is being interfered with we've seen usps mailboxes being rounded up and mail sorting machines deactivated so there's a lot of cheating and on top of that and i'll make this quick because the five of us have to talk the electoral college i think is an issue and a problem okay she's a crazy person so she just lists off a bunch of conspiracy theories and when you see the democrats listing off conspiracy theories as to why they're going to lose you can sense that there's an awful lot of disquiet okay the the u.s postal service is not removing mailboxes to prevent you from accomplishing your mail and vote that's idiotic the president of the united states is not encouraging voter fraud that's idiotic this is all very very silly okay and when you see it on either side this sort of alarmism in the lead-up to the election the process is not going to work we're all going to die someone's going to fraudulently steal the election hey just stop just stop okay right now a couple of things are happening one the congressional ballot is tightening okay the generic congressional ballot which people have not really been watching the generic congressional ballot is pretty much as tight as it has been all year right now and that is kind of a shocker considering that trump in the national polling is actually getting blown out right now but if you look at the generic ballot from usc dornsife right now it has the republicans and the democrats running within like four or five points of each other and those are not the kind of numbers that the democrats are looking for they're looking for an eight to ten point congressional ballot lead they're not seeing that what you're seeing instead is a lot of people who feel unease with the democratic party overall which makes perfect sense since the democratic party is currently holding up relief bills while attempting to undermine cops all over the nation meanwhile in the battleground states florida looks like it is basically dead even and there's some polling data that is really disquieting for for joe biden in in florida here is some of this data because there's a poll yesterday that came out from nbc news merits it shows that biden and trump are deadlocked which really means that trump is going to win and the reason i say that trump's going to win in florida is because look at these numbers clinton with florida latinos in 2016 for the exit polls clinton had 62 percent of the vote trump had 35 percent of the vote biden with florida latinos in 2020 is trailing trump 50 to 46. so clinton beat trump by full-on 27 points among florida latinos in 2016. trump is now leading biden by four that is a 31 point shift in favor of trump among florida latinos now among florida seniors what you're seeing is that biden is slightly leading trump and trump won florida seniors in big numbers last time but i don't think that that is going to outweigh that massive shift and by the way there are a bunch of these polls that are showing sort of a consistent level of increased black support for president trump which is something you're not seeing a lot of talk about and the reason you're not seeing a lot of talk about it is because people are like is that really going to materialize the answer is it definitely could it definitely could and if donald trump wins a heavier share of the hispanic and latino vote man is that going to blow up all the conventional wisdom it's truly among white college educated people the kind of mitt romney crowd that trump has lost a lot of votes he's lost a lot of votes among independent women he's lost a lot of votes among suburban white americans but in the if he drives heavy rural turnout and if he gets an increased share of black or hispanic turnout then that could really be the death knell for the biden campaign so when you look at the national polling no question biden is the favorite i mean he's up 7.3 in the real clear politics poll average and he has trailed in one it counts from one poll nationally since the beginning of the year in the battleground states however things seem to be a lot closer again florida is is not the bell other state anymore i think that trump will probably win florida then the question becomes can biden replicate the supposed blue wall that hillary was going to come up with in michigan wisconsin pennsylvania right now he is leading in all three wisconsin he has the biggest lead according to the latest polls it seemed like it might have been tightening up there and then there was this fox news poll that showed that biden was up pretty heavy and now there are several polls that are showing that biden is up pretty heavily in wisconsin even rasmussen which tends to be pretty friendly to trump has it biden up eight in in wisconsin cbs ugov has biden up six cnbc has biden up six in wisconsin so whatever effect kenosha has had it has not had that effect as of yet when it comes to wisconsin when it comes to other states like arizona arizona looks like a state that is moving steadily away from trump so that's a real problem for him that means that he has to pick up another state right it means that it is not enough for him to win one of michigan wisconsin pennsylvania he needs to win two of those michigan seems to be relatively tight biden has about a three-point lead in the real club politics poll average uh and when it looks pennsylvania pennsylvania also seems to be rather tight in in fact in most of the polling except for a new nbc news marist poll that has biden up nine it seems like that race is within margin of error so the polls are a little bit all over the place but you have to say that the momentum right now is still with biden going into the election now that could shift pretty quickly and the reason i say that could shift pretty quickly is because i don't think that the trump campaign has brought out the big gun big guns yet the big guns for the trump campaign it's got to be the anti-police campaigning by the democrats okay and that ties into a broader ideology that has been pushed by the left for generations at this point it's an ideology called critical race theory okay critical race theory first kind of came to public attention back in 2012 when there was a video i remember as a breitbart at the time and breitbart broke a video of derek bell who's the founder of critical race theory from harvard law school hugging barack obama barack obama held a rally where he spoke in favor of derrick bell being granted tenure at harvard law school even though he hadn't done a lot of real academic work and the reason that derek bell became the celebrated figure is because he was the father of so-called critical race theory i'm going to explain what critical race theory is in a second because all of the intersectionality and wokism that you are seeing dominating american politics today springs from critical race theory it was being taught until the last five seconds in the federal government itself until the trump administration stepped in and stopped it and that critical race theory ideology has driven a lot of the democrats thinking now they're not going to call it critical race theory because they don't actually know the origins of their own philosophy this happens a lot in politics where there's a lot of highfalutin talk on college campuses about the foundations of a particular philosophy over time it filters down in sort of bumper sticker slogans and the no silence no peace kind of stuff starts off as a higher philosophy he silences violence microaggression all of american politics is systems of power that starts off at a higher level of discussion that is much more abstracted eventually it is funneled down to common policymakers and to broad groups of people who then rally and riot in the streets but the origins of that philosophy are really really ugly critical race theory is an ugly philosophy is a racist philosophy it essentially substitutes substitutes race for class in marx's theory we'll get to that in a second and it does matter because you have to understand exactly what people are thinking in order to understand why they are doing what they are doing with regard to for example law enforcement and criminality we'll get to that in just one moment first you might be feeling a little bit less safe these days as you watch rising crime in america's major cities all over the united states and you know there are situations happening all over the united states on a regular basis where people are victimized by violent crime there's a reason why gun sales are going up and up and up and there's a reason why you need to know how to use a gun we've seen too many cases recently where somebody uses a gun to protect themselves and then they end up being dragged in front of a court on charges now you need to know what to do and nightmares do come true sometimes but you have to know what to do you have to know what your rights are in this day and age you need a gun to protect your family and yourself but you need more than that you need 100 free copy of the complete concealed carry and family defense guide from the united states concealed carry association it's 164 pages it comes the bonus audio version so you can listen whenever you want just take shapiro to 87.222 you'll get instant access and a chance to win a thousand bucks so you can buy a gun to protect your family text shapiro to 87 222 right now seriously you owe it to yourself to if you're a law abiding citizen on a gun but also know exactly how to use it what your rights are and have a group that will come to your defense legally speaking if god forbid you have to use a weapon in self-defense get your 100 free copy of the complete concealed carry and family defense guide from the us cca they are excellent people and you get a chance to win a thousand bucks so you can buy a gun to protect your family text shapiro to eighty seven two two two again text shapiro to eighty seven two two two right now shapiro to eighty seven two two two okay so critical race theory has become a hot issue again the reason it's become a hot issue is because the trump administration put forward through the office of management and budget as we discussed yesterday a letter saying that they're not going to allow the teaching of critical race theory on government campuses anymore there shall be no more dissemination of this nonsense in government offices and it was being used for diversity training okay it's just a propagandistic effort to declare the united states and its institutions systemically racist to suggest that all white people are complicit in that racism are part of a racist system and that in fact all white people are inherently racist because they work within systems that generate unequal outcomes as i've discussed before the perspective here is that any system that generates an unequal outcome between groups of people which is every system on the planet but if you have a system that generates unequal outcomes between racial groups then the system itself is racist and if you are quote-unquote complicit in the system then this means that you yourself are racist even if you've never done a racist thing and even if you have no racist intent okay so the federal government was was teaching this literally teaching this in government offices they were they were distributing power points talking about how all white americans are racist by the new definition of racism and the trump administration stepped in said we're not doing this anymore and now you've got democratic congress people and members of the media who are either pretending that this is a terrible thing or saying that it doesn't matter at all so al green the democratic representative from new york he says that it is anti-american to end the sort of critical racial theory training that was happening in the federal government sorry from texas in the president's america it is anti-american to have diversity and inclusion as an agenda item unfortunately he has an america that um is shrinking it is anti-american to do what the president is doing and that is to ban diversity training and call it anti-america the president is doing the country of disservice with this kind of behavior so the way the critical race theory hides its sort of ugly philosophy is by hiding behind this diversity training nonsense they say we're training you for diversity you're not they're not training you for diversity they're training you in an actual theory don lemon over at cnn denies that critical race theory is even an even a thing he says that it's just another bogey man but that is because he wishes to he he wishes you not to know the truth which is the critical race theory is in fact an animating philosophy that is filtered down through a variety of of of channels and streams via things like intersectionality via things like identity politics here's don lemon dismissing it and then we'll discuss exactly what it is this whole idea i don't understand well i do understand what's going on of critical race theory are we going back to the 80s because this all played out in the 1980s this whole thing about critical race theory in politics it is another boogeyman yeah we're going right try to scare people we're going back to the 80s there's no new nothing new about critical races that's scary just go back and do do a google search theory and politics i'll tell you look at these geniuses okay so so an idea that was ugly in the 1980s and has now reached full animated form in today's american politics is not relevant because it happened in the 1980s it's weird how everything that leftists don't want to talk about is relegated to the past but everything that they want to talk about that is from like the 1840s is happening right now you see this all the time in left-wing writing you'll see a tanahasi coates piece where he'll cite some evil instance of the of the brutal treatment of a slave in 1810 fast forward 200 years and then he'll just say well it's exactly the same today but if you're talking about an actual active ideology in the united states like critical race theory then you see folks like don lemon and chris cuomo pretending that it has no impact on modern american thought so what exactly is critical race theory and why does it matter so back in 2012 i reported extensively on this uh i remember that some of the professors in harvard law school were big fans of critical race theory critical race theory springs from a generalized study of of the law called critical legal studies critical legal studies is the idea that there is no such thing as a neutral principle in law in fact there is no such thing as objectivity in law judges cannot determine via neutral principles the outcome of a case instead the way that judges actually determine what it is they want to rule is they look to their own politics and then they just figure out a way to finagle those politics into a ruling so in other words there's no such thing as true philosophy there's no such thing as truth there's no such thing as objectivity all there is are subjective points of view and people who wish to cram down their power on you so all human dynamics all human interrelationships are about power right none of them are about higher ideals none of them are about big ideas all that human relationships are about is one group of people attempting to use its power against another group of people okay that is the c

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