Tuck Everlasting

Movies from Film Forum, 10/24/02Tuck Everlasting offers something more traditional—a classic fairy tale executed with the style of Disney. It tells the story of a young woman drawn into friendship with a mysterious family who guard a precious secret that holds the possibility of immortality.Ken James (Christian Spotlight) raves about the film's central romance, which he finds "pure and innocent." Bob Smithouser (Focus on the Family) is also thrilled that this "wholesome" film has a commendable "lack of profanity and sexual situations." Phil Boatwright agrees that it has "a great many redeeming values." Preview issues "a warning about some moderately violent scenes", but adds that the film may offer "interesting discussion points" for parents and teens.Dale Wilker (Catholic News) cautions...

Proper Review
Jan 1st 2002
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