5 Modern-Day Heroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies Post-"Sully"

This weekend, the new drama Sully dominated at the box office. The film, which was directed by Clint Eastwood and stars Tom Hanks, showcases the heroics of Captain Chesley Burnett “Sully” Sullenberger.

In early 2009, Sullenberger was piloting a plane over the Hudson River when a group of birds collided with the engines. The aircraft was nearly disabled but the captain — working alongside his co-pilot — saved the day. The duo saved all 155 lives on board by making an emergency water landing on the Hudson. The film captures his heroic actions — which were criticized after the fact by bureaucrats and government officials — and shows that this seemingly everyday man became a hero when people needed him.

Considering that the film earned one of...

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Nov 23rd 2021
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