Plugged In Pick, TV: Star Trek: Prodigy

The Star Trek franchise has been cruising through the entertainment galaxy for parts of six decades now, sometimes going where no one (at least in the Star Trek universe) has gone before … and sometimes going to places we wish it hadn’t.

That makes Star Trek: Prodigy a breath of fresh interstellar air. The animated show, streaming on Paramount+, is set five years after the events of Star Trek: Voyager. And like that show, it features a ship—the Protostar—that’s zipping around an unfamiliar part of the galaxy.  Manned by a bevy of renegades trying to escape their evil jailer, the Protostar is doing its best to return home to Earth. Easier said than done.

The show feels a little like Star Wars’ much-beloved animated series The Clone Wars: It’s crisp and engaging, but...

Proper Review
Nov 19th 2021
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