Why Do Audiences Love 'Beauty and the Beast'? Because it's SincereFull review >>
BelleOn Fairy-Stories Despite netting over $170 million at the opening weekend box office, Disney’s new live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, received somewhat mixed reviews. Many elite publications’ reviewers thumbed their noses at the film—what do these critics fail to see that audiences do? “There’s nothing particularly outrageous about retelling or reimagining [Disney’s fairytale] stories,” The Atlantic’s senior associate editor David Sims wrote in one negative review. “But this 2017 edition of Beauty and the Beast feels particularly egregious, in part, because it’s so slavishly devoted to the original.” Sims missed the point of movies like Beauty and the Beast and 2015’s...
Proper Review
Mar 27th 2017