Disney forced to scale back Hollywood premiere over "Snow White" due to controversy surrounding... Gal Gadot (Hint: She's Jewish)

The fiasco that has become the live-action Snow White movie is finally about to hit theaters. Disney had a big Hollywood premiere planned that they are scaling down to a smaller premiere due to the controversies surrounding Rachel Zegler AND Gal Gadot. We're all familiar with the Zegler controversies, and if you think the Gadot "controversy" can't possibly be what you think it is... you'd be wrong. It's because of the outspoken way she thinks the October 7th terror attack was a bad thing.

The movie has been one virtue-signalling mess after another. It started when Peter Dinklage complained about the problematic stereotypes of the seven dwarfs. Disney, faced with bad PR over a single actor and a few headlines, then decided to eliminate the roles... that would have given dwarf actors a job...

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Mar 12th 2025
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