Was drawn to this film due to the...
Was drawn to this film due to the self help aspect. I am a bit iffy and don't know whether I like it or not. The author had good intentions and I feel it would pull more at an adolescent due to the fact that the message, you can do all things through positive thinking, is sorta displayed through cheesiness. I would say this movie is most definitely a feel good but in a cliché way. Because of course you have your casual grief journey thrown in there and the prince charming that saves the day. You can kinda just predict the entire premise right off the bat. And some of the acting kinda reminded me of a tacky chick flick. Yet I guess it's a nice reminder to stay positive.
I feel like the title and cover also throws you off a bit because you think you're in for this grandiose adventure about a warrior who looked deep within himself, climbed 6 mountains, fasted for 10 days, went from poor to rich, fought his demons and tempted with fate. but ehhhh no, you get a few lines of, "you can do it" soooo it's not really selling the whole Dare to Dream concept. They never even slightly flirted with anything that may seem hard to reach and obtain it by thoughts and hard work which is what I thought I was in for. The title is definitely way more dramatic then the actual film itself. It is more of a love story than anything else. Not really sure how I feel about it.
Mar 11th 2025

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