Sadly not really good
This is a good example of aiming to high and hollywood would do it better, The Lion of Flanders is (sadly enough) not a good film by any sense, where did they go wrong? Oh, on so many accounts, the music doesn't fit this type of film, the acting is bad to decent, the pacing is bad, the sets are bad, the costumes are somewhat alright, but then we get to watch some of the most atrocious battle scenes in cinema history.
Yup, they ended this film with an enormous battle scene, which was just a hundred people or so, fighting in ultra-close-up, just terribly shot. Now I get to what is in my opinion the main flaw of this film, it's not a good character-piece and not a good action flick and without it a film falls apart. Also some titillating nudity and a puppet decapitation.
I actually lowered my score from a 3 to a 2.8, because the flaws are just too many. Well, what does this film do right in my opinion? It's ahonest attempt to depict a (to none Flemish) obscure event in history, based on a well-known and respected 19th century novel. In that sense, recommended to anyone who likes history, knightly romances and who hates the French.
Dec 31st 2024

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