Mediocre scifi film
I have been gone for a while, but I hope I can throw another review on this site once and a while, one of two films I saw last night, both with a time-travel theme. Is it any good?
Well, Millennium is a decent but lackluster time-travel story about future humans kidnapping people who are about to die in plane crashes and replacing them with cloned cadavers, because they want to repopulate the future? Sounds like a good start for a scifi film, but....
There is a romance, it's silly, not very organic and not very engaging... there is some mystery involved, but because we know what is going on fairly soon in the story, that too falls flat. In all honesty, this is one of the few film where an all female unit makes sense, they are after all pretending to be stewardesses, so I will not check the feminism box. Bonus is that the cast is basically White.
Dec 18th 2024
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