Aussie Inverted Supersize Me
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While watching that "Fasting: Healer Within" free documentary on YouTube, they had this Aussie on as a guest. And referenced this documentary he made about juicing. I had never heard of it because I might have been too young when it came out but I remember my pops getting into juicing around that time. Fascinating to think the plant based diet trend had this Australian guy as a big catalyst. Good on ya, m8! Anyways, great documentary. No woo woo bullsh*t or uncomfortable scenes like the "Healer Within" one. This is just about a middle aged guy who goes on a 60 day juice fast to lose a ton of weight and cure his diseases. Spoiler alert: it works! What makes this documentary awesome is how it takes a turn half way through and takes on a life of its own. The people he meets start juicing too and you see big results. Very inspirational and made me want to start a juice fast myself. And if I'm being honest, I always thought about doing more plant based stuff but never got around to it. For years I just focused on IMF, CICO, and having an insane amount of protein as my macros. It's just so much cheaper to buy carbs so my first battle has always been forking up the extra money to eat a bunch of deli meat and non fat greek yogurt. In true American fashion, I think of the biggest portions for the cheapest price. If I fight the urge to buy ramen noodles and go low carb, I took it as a win. I never really sat down and thought about all of the benefits of micronutrients in terms of preventative healthcare. Or how easy it would be to shed weight on something like that instead of a water fast. ( Still, they don't call Whole Foods "Whole Paycheck" for no reason. Since watching the doc, I got a juicer and settled for glyphosate ridden Walmart produce. It's a start... ) My only complaints are that there is selection bias like any "man on the street" interviews. Americans are fat, but we're not THAT fat. He drives across the U.S. in the Bible Belt, and talks to truckers and podunk diner people. It gives the wrong perception but oh well. We are fat asses and it is an epidemic. ( The fat trucker being ashamed to see his kids makes me wonder if "The Whale" was based on him. ) Also, it was so frustrating to see these people go on diets and then tempt themselves or be tempted by their loved ones. Sitting there while their husband eats steak and greasy fries wafting into their face. Anyone who knows anything about health & wellness knows that "if it's in your kitchen, it's in your mouth." And you keep hearing these fat Americans just blame themselves. Which is good, I guess. But nobody holds the big corporations accountable. Not to sound like a commie, but maybe we didn't evolve to handle a nonstop assault on our senses with neon colors and mind f*ck psychologists doing everything they can to get our Reptilian brains to give in at the check out line. An economy is meant to serve its people, not the other way around. Likewise for the government. In a utopian world, we would have a patriarchal benevolent government that helped its citizens actualize. And it's usually only fat asses and degenerates who act like we have 100% agency in this regard. If you test your own self control and discipline regularly, you realize how important your environment is and how true that cliché phrase is about: "you're the average of the 5 ppl you spend the most time with." My first redpill moments on this as someone who leaned more Libertarian in the past was Greg Johnson schooling Vee on porn during Internet Bloodsports. And Cultured Thug schooling Stefan Molyneux on the public's health. Check out these classic debates: The Fascism Debate! Political Fascism Versus Freedom - Stefan Molyneux Authoritarian States: The Academic Agent, Todd Lewis, Vee and Greg Johnson I'm going off topic and ranting here but these topics are pertinent & come up in the sequel of the documentary so one last thing. This is a good example of why I started to hate cuckservatives and shills for big corporations. This song makes a fair comparison to how the food industry and its (((lobbyists))) are acting similarly to the tobacco industry back in the day. Beautiful song with a nice populist / working class undertone: Fat - Jesse Welles

And now completely misinterpreted by the midwit brain of a normie Con: "The New Anti-Woke Anthem of the Summer" @BennyJohnson Okay, I'll stop rambling. TL;DR This is an inspirational documentary and there is no vegan animal cruelty crap or woo sh*t. Just a light hearted Aussie trolling Americans and starting a movement. He's just missing a few puzzle pieces to long term health that are addressed in his sequel. Check them both out for free on YouTube: "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

"Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2"

Oct 20th 2024
This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
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