Gorgeous, 1999 - ★★★½

C.N.: Don’t worry, be happy.

It might’ve been on a quite gray and rainy afternoon in the Philippines; droplets pattering on the roof, as a teapot whistle blew in the background. My seven-year-old self, fresh out of California, was still trying to make himself comfortable in a foreign world, sitting on his grandma’s florally covered and heavily cushioned chair. My uncle planted himself next to me on a stool as Gorgeous, starring Jackie Chan, burst through the screen of an old, possibly mid-90s analog TV. The memories aren’t too clear here, but it’s possible that before this film, Rumble in the Bronx and First Strike were on repeat twice or thrice on the previous two rainy days, as stacks of rented Jackie Chan VHS tapes and DVDs owned by my uncle lingered on the living room table....

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Sep 15th 2024
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