Star Trek: Picard Is a Response To Brexit and Trump

If you were wondering if Star Trek: Picard was going to be any different than Star Trek: Discovery, the answer is no. Prepare yourselves for another sermon about liberalism.


“In a way, the world of ‘Next Generation’ had been too perfect and too protected,” he says. “It was the Enterprise. It was a safe world of respect and communication and care and, sometimes, fun.” In “Picard,” the Federation — a union of planets bonded by shared democratic values — has taken an isolationist turn. The new show, Stewart says, “was me responding to the world of Brexit and Trump and feeling, ‘Why hasn’t the Federation changed? Why hasn’t Starfleet changed?’ Maybe they’re not as reliable and trustworthy as we all thought.”

Real-world parallels are not...

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Jan 12th 2020
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