Superb Art-history
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For my 200th entry for Zeitgeist I decided to pick something special, namely this wonderful documentary series from the 60's, well-known, still sold in museums, both unashamedly elitist as well as completely popular, with a focus on genuine visual art and architecture, as well as general history, music, literature and science from the middle ages, to the early 20th century. This documentary is a joy, not only because it's highly visual and informative, but because it's the personal vision on art and civilization from someone with an obvious upper-class background. Not that I don't find an axe to grind with Sir Clarke, at times he is to liberal (and catholic?) for my tastes, but frankly outside of YouTube, where will you find history documentaries that are genuine and serious? Highly recommended, anyone interested in visual arts and architecture and general history should start with this documentary, or read a book.
Jun 4th 2024
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