Sausage Party By The Sea
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Gay Stuff
3.1 Stars A 12 episode anime with no main overaching conflict or struggle and lots of joke recycling. Some of the reoccurring gags retain some replay value for a time, but by the 8th episode I was thinking of calling it quits cause I felt I has gotten the gist of the show, which focuses on a diving club, even though the time they spend diving makes up a small portion of the syory. They mainly drink, get into social misunderstandings, and go to school related events. Lots of gay/sex jokes, and one of the charcters is a comedic lolicon (pedo) who has deluded himself into thinking he can form a harem of middle school girls now that he is in college. The main theme song was terrible, made my ears bleed if I didn't skip it before it even started.
Jun 2nd 2024
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