Rings of Power is addicted to failure

When throwing money at a Show Makes it WORSE

Amazon's Rings of Power season two is back and season one was a critical flop, but why? Was it really just because of a "bigoted" fanbase, or was there something more?

In this video we dive into season one's biggest problems, from cringeworthy dialogue and dull characters to a heavy-handed political agenda that overshadowed the story.

But the show must go on! We'll also analyze the season two trailer, discuss Amazon's controversial response to the backlash, and predict what's in store for this troubled Tolkien adaptation. Will the all-female directing team be enough to save the show?

#RingsofPower #Tolkien #AmazonPrime #FantasyTV #videoessay

0:00 Intro 3:09 I. stab, twist... gut

6:28 II. A revolution

10:07 III. and now... I exist...

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Jun 2nd 2024
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