Solid entry
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I am right now planning on watching a film from every year I haven't reviewed yet and this Bond film showed up in my results for 1981. I have watched most Bond films before, but I can't remember ever having seen this one. Is it any good? Well, like most entries in the franchise you get a solid charming action flick and this film should be approached more as an action flick, then as a espionage film. Even though there isn't that much of a plot, this film unlike some other incarnations is very down to earth, without some of the silliness of some earlier bond films. The heart of the film are the action sequences which are all solid and fun to watch, it really never let's down the entire film, from shoot-outs on the snowy slopes of the alps, to a strange underwater struggle between Bond and a guy in a robotic diver-suit. All in all a solid film.
Jan 6th 2024
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