The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure

KidsComedySci-Fi/Fantasy We hope this review was both interesting and useful. Please share it with family and friends who would benefit from it as well.Movie ReviewToday is a special day in LovelyLoveville: It's Schluufy the Pillow's birthday! Schluufy, you see, lives with the Oogieloves, three larger-than-life characters named Goobie (the green one with glasses), Zoozie (the yellow one with red hair) and Toofie (the purple one with the yellow faux-hawk). Helping look after them all is a vacuum cleaner named, what else, J. Edgar, as well as the Oogieloves' magical mirror, Windy Window, who gives them glimpses of what's happening all over LovelyLoveville. Everything was going as planned for the party until the moment J. Edgar tripped … and lost the five magical balloons he and the...

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Aug 29th 2012
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