Not bad, not great
Tired of clichés in horror movies and especially with the grief motif in horror. Plus, there were a lot of times where you wanted to scream at the screen because of the unrealistic actions of all the characters. But on the positive side of things, it wasn't woke at all, minimal diversity, and nowadays thanks to the internet, finding talented child actors is easy. Still, wouldn't recommend it unless you are really in the mood for horror.
I also realized why I like horror all of the sudden. Because with horror there is such minimal dialogue there's no room for social agenda crap shoved in. But also, most importantly, because of the common trope of no one believing the main character, to their own demise and/or vindication of the protagonist. Very relatable and cathartic for us redpilled social pariahs who have to hide our power level, or who warn others only to be dismissed. Except with fiction I can enjoy the vindication. Now people who once scoffed at me are coming to me saying I was right about pedo elite conspiracies and how demography really is destiny. Hard to enjoy because things had to get really bad to start waking up normies, and I'd rather be wrong about this stuff.
Anyways, gonna' try exploring that trope in non horror. Getting tired of the same formulaic horror over and over but love this aspect:
Jun 10th 2023

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