The Tokyo Manji Gang Reunites In First Teaser Trailer For “Tokyo Revengers: Bloody Halloween” Live-Action Sequel

While the first trailer for Knights of the Zodiac has reinforced audiences’ doubts that Hollywood knows how to handle manga, the first teaser for Tokyo Revengers 2 has reunited Japan’s strongest Revengers to remind the world what a quality live-action adaptation actually looks like.

Takemichi (Takumi Kitamura) promises to succeed at all costs in Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween -Fate- (2023), Warner Bros. via YouTube

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In the dark abyss known as live action adaptations of beloved anime and manga series, there are the hidden gems like Tokyo Revengers.

Based on Ken Wakui’s best selling manga, the soon-to-be-pair of films...

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Dec 9th 2022
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