Too long
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Not a bad documentary, but overall it's far too long in my opinion, a fan of the music genre will most likely disagree, but to me synth-wave is just an enjoyable musical genre that I learned about from a lot of older alt-right websites. It's primarily a lot of interviews with musicians and bloggers, interspersed with almost satirical sketches and old 80's films. Overall I kinda get the impression, this was mostly a fairly vapid musical movement build around a certain aesthetic and mood, that really never actually existed. In that sense, no I don't think it's a retro-movement at all. For all intents and purposes, this is very much a contemporary sound and will no doubt be used as the soundtrack from some late 21th century film, depicting the 10's. On a last note, I am planning on watching Thief after watching this docu, so let's see how that checks out.
Jan 21st 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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