woke? but not garbage?
Got dragged to this one with friends who raved about it like it was the best movie in the last decade. I was skeptic since they are very progressive and I'm very populist center right. let me warm you this movie is full of homosexuality, but plugs and other gobltygok. the story centers around a Chinese family with a homosexual daughter who has brought stress onto the family. the home and business they live and work in is redlining and they don't know what they are gonna do. then things get weird. things involving channeling things from the multiverse come into play for all the strangeness happening its a great absurdist comedy. however in the end it feels like its message vilifies old people for having pre concieved notions how things should be due to how they grew up. all that being said it made me laugh and even close to tearing up over the mothers love for her daughter. watch at your own disgression.
Aug 23rd 2022
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