Mark Steyn on Newt Gingrich as Marvin the Martian

HH: I begin with Columnist To the World, Mark Steyn. You can read everything Mark writes at, plus, for your last minute Christmas shopping, an assortment of various packages. I went there today, Mark Steyn, and discovered you’ve done a great job of sort of mixing and matching the various Steyn paraphernalia from over the years. MS: Yeah, that’s right. We’ve got like the items that people like, like my book, After America, and then we’ve subtly paired them with a lot of old junk inventory we’ve been trying to get rid of for years. And that plan seems to be working. HH: It seems to be working. Well, I would encourage people to go there, because I did some Christmas shopping, and people will find that there’s remarkable number of smiles...

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Dec 16th 2011
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