I don't understand how anyone enjoys this who isn't a raving progressive. Even if you're apolitical and nonreligious, the show spends hours rubbing anti-Christian and anti-American moralizing in your face. So if you want big dumb action, you'll have to skip whole episodes just to get past the boring speeches. And if you're a progressive looking for pseudointellectual pablum to confirm your biases,...
Trash. It is full of cheating, sex, LGBTQ, bossy atmosphere, and garbage story-telling. Every white guy is portrayed as evil or gay and every black person is a saint. Ryan Wilder is a bad influence on women and children and Kate Kane was just as bad
This current era binge watch series has all the tropes we despise yet it highlights them in a negative way instead of a positive.
And I'm not even talking about the ways we'd see and understand to hate them, but in the classic warning ways that normies used to see and understand.
There's a dangerous sjw f*g boy who is one of the main villains. Starts out you think he's gonna be the besty of the...
An overall worth while show with a classic heroes story arc that's engaging and interesting. Though much brutality and blood.. if that's not your thing
seems like it sucks
Produced by (((Seth Rogen))) and Evan (((Goldberg))), its more American nihilist toilet humor, this time not just aimed at white people, but also other minorities. I'm not familiar with the The Boys franchise, but this show just screams of desperation to be edgy and relies purely on shock value to get its points across. Not at all appropo for children. Some of the episodes seem to at least have some...
Roddenberry wanted star trek in a Socialist future post capitalism. His son is making the kind of show he would of loved and this is the first Star Trek production to have a Roddenberry as a Executive Producer since TNG. With his son Rod Roddenberry helming the new shows
Basically the show is "christianity bad" "islam good,buddhism good"
There is a muslim character that is the opressed minority,secret lesbian character and THE PRIEST IS ACTUALLY EVIL!!! And there is also the ultra religious woman that is portrayed as a horrible person. There is also a interracial couple and their daughter is in a wheelchair. You know, some totally NORMAL stuff for a secluded island...
Anti-White messaging throughout the show.
Not sure where to start, Rick and Morty is Dexters Laboratory, written by the worst most resentful office-working yuppy trash on the face of this planet. The entire cartoon series is basically one giant narcistic ego trip, for some four-eyed, hip f**got, who is meek and manipulative in real life, but in his daydreams he is like supersmart and just rude to everyone. The entire show just oozes this...
Awful content and has no place in film
Weird show to pick-up and give a negative review, I know but read on, on the surface SG-1 is just a generic pulp show from the 90's, something that appeals to boys but not to adults, boring stories, annoying cast of black stoic dude, nerdy guy, funny haha chad and lesbian. Its basic story is that aliens build the pyramids, those aliens are worms that inhabit the human body and they are evil. Where...
The first season was intriguing and they could have ended there. Of course they took something that was already very gnostic (like everything else Hollywood puts out but more literal here) and about woman killing God and made it even more about wahmen and being ridiculously woke in later seasons. Disney will eventually have a real life Westworld for groomers
Full woke sh*t. I tried to watch it because I really liked the anime back in the day. But this is 100% poor woke garbage, nothing else
Sammy Hyde will Fight Joe Rogan and He will win
Lots of woke garbage and according to the show's logic a being that is more than god can be trapped with a spell (yes that's the plot)
Season 5 just came out and its woke. One of the female characters falls in love with another female character and struggles between episode 7-9 to tell her how she feels before they finally kiss in episode 9
Didn't know about this site before I watched the show. Thought the show might be fun, but it starts showing its true colors pretty quick. The writers pretend to hide their political message behind humor, but over time you'll notice it's all one-sided stabs: "Progressivism = Good. Everything else = Bad." I could not bring myself to keep watching it once the show shoehorned in a bunch of over the...
one of the only new animes worth watching, watch it in jap audio with subtitles so you remember its jap weird and not a white creation, not for kids, don’t watch any other anime post 2012, it lacks plot and is boring and gay
The series becomes boring
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