This is one of the most underrated films I've watched. It's Lethal Weapon with the Predator. It is fairly entertaining with a decent performance from Danny Glover. Now what's the craic with 90s action films and making Los Angeles look like the battle of Stalingrad?
This is the most action packed 80's movie you can watch, it subverts your expectation from being just a regular schwarzenegger film to a survival horror
This is one of the worst movies I've ever watched. Just watch the kill count on YouTube instead. You will need to shine a torch at your monitor to watch this
Bad film but some still enjoy it. At least it does what it says on the title, Alien vs Predator. The video games are better
Bad film but is still enjoyable, I'd even say it was once a guilty pleasure
The William Gibson script got made into an audiobook, listen to it you are a fan of the Alien movies. If Fox didn't interfere, it would have been a far better movie
One of the best sci-fi movies of all time
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