Content: -1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.

Production Quality: Rent or Buy:

What You Need To Know:JUMANJI is a game that lets wild animals on the loose in a New England town. Robin Williams and a talented cast play through to the end to stop the animal destruction. Though fantasy, it implies no false religion or occultism, but it may scare young viewers. JUMANJI creates a jungle and caution should be advised before entering it.

Content:(NA, B, L, VV, M) Pagan worldview of fantasy game world with no spiritual or anti-Christian forces implied; moral elements of familial love; 4 mild obscenities & 3 "Oh, my God's"; moderate violence including attempted lion attack, rhino stampede, carnivorous plant attempts to...

Proper Review
Aug 20th 2012
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