What 'Kong: Skull Island' Reveals About America's Moral Uncertainty

Summer Blockbuster Like any red-blooded American male, I’m a total sucker for a fun, largely mindless, action-disaster flick. These are typically poorly-reviewed movies that Hollywood churns out because these movies’ profits underwrite the less popular indie movies that garner Oscar buzz. They are the lifeblood of Tinsel Town; they aren’t meant to change the world, only to entertain it. Granted, it’s only March, but Kong: Skull Island is 2017’s first mega-budget effort in the “Summer Blockbuster” space and, despite the often over-the-top marketing hype, it is actually pretty good. The plot is as simple as it is preposterous: In 1973, a group of scientists (led by John Goodman) believe that “monsters” exist on a never-been-charted...

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Mar 14th 2017
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