No I Will Not Put A Mask On My Child | Ep. 759
03:37 "... roosevelt's man and the man in the arena ..."
04:03 "... joe biden 2021 but other times of course ..."
24:12 "... back in 2020 and early 2021 21 when the ..."

#TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWiretoday on the matt walsh show president biden had a town hall event yesterday and mostly he babbled incoherently as he tends to do but the coherent parts were the most disturbing among other things he called for kids under the age of 12 to wear masks we'll talk about why pushing masks on kids especially at this point is irrational anti-science and i would also say abusive also our five headlines including a new poll which shows that race relations are at their lowest point in decades i wonder who we can blame for that and jk rowling continues to stand firm in the face of insane hatred from trans activists and also in our daily cancellation i will address the very intense very intense backlash from my review of a bts song will be posted to my youtube channel this weekend all of that and more today on the matt walsh show one of the sad facts among many about being an adult in this world is that you have to pay money for everything all the time this is one of the most shocking things to realize as an adult is that wow everything costs money but there's so many things you have to pay for monthly insurance should be the least of your words you don't need to add that onto the pile and that's what policy genius can do for you they can make it easy to compare home and insurance and auto insurance in one place they make it very easy and very cheap they can help you find home and auto coverage similar to what you have now but at a lower price they've saved customers an average of 1200 per year over what they were paying for home and auto insurance in the past their team will handle the paperwork for you um and set up everything for you all you got to do is just head to answer a few questions about yourself and your property then policy genius takes it from there they make it to make it idiot proof and they make it very affordable for you they'll compare rates from america's top insurers from progressive to allstate and find your lowest quotes if you want to take advantage of this then go to to get started right now policy genius when it comes to insurance it's nice to get it right so president biden a town hall event last night hosted by cnn moderated by political activist don lemon anyone deranged enough to sit and watch the whole thing while it was live may have noticed that the camera only ever showed the front couple of rows in the auditorium that's because every row but the few up front were empty it continues to be you can see the picture there continues to be apparent that the decaying old man waddling around and speaking in semi-coherent half sentences doesn't inspire a lot of enthusiasm what a shock now that characterization may have been a little unfair i have to admit i shouldn't say that he's semi-coherent that probably gives him too much credit here he is answering a question about when children under 12 will be able to get vaccinated and i only know the question he was trying to answer because it's written on the screen otherwise i'd be at a loss listen it's like the other question is illogical and i've heard you speak about it because you always i'm not being solicitous but you you're always straight up about what you're doing and the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh um are why can't the the the experts say we know that this virus is in fact uh is it it's going to be uh or assuming we we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved that's underway too i expect that to occur quickly well that means you mean for the fda for the fda yeah so the federal drug administration yes a presidential quote that will go down in history alongside the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and i don't know roosevelt's man and the man in the arena speech will also be this quoting what you just heard there i've heard you speak about because you always i'm not being solicitous but you you're always straight up about what you're doing and the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are why can't and the experts say we know this virus is in fact is is going to be excuse me we all know the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved joe biden 2021 but other times of course the sentences coming out of his mouth were more or less intelligible while the overall point or message made no sense at all such was the case with his answer on uh the question of inflation you seem pretty confident that that inflation is temporary but if you're pumping all of this money into the economy couldn't that add to no look here's the deal moody's today when a wall street firm not some liberal think tank said if we pass the other two things i'm trying to get done we will in fact reduce inflation reduce inflation reduce inflation because we're going to be providing good opportunities and jobs for people who in fact are going to be reinvesting that money back in all the things we're talking about okay so by spending trillions of dollars we will reduce inflation or excuse me we will not just reduce inflation but reduce inflation reduce inflation reduce inflation maybe inflation is like a witch's curse and all you have to do is say the magical incantation three times and it'll go away magical limitations after all have just as much of a chance of reducing inflation as a multi-trillion dollar spending bill does now it's fun to laugh at the nonsense but as always the biden or any other democrat they're the most terrifying when they are the most coherent and i mean coherent in a relative sense of course the point is that biden will disturb you the most when you're able to actually understand what he's trying to say and i'd say that was certainly the case with his answer on gun violence actually crime is down gun violence and murder rates are up guns i'm the only guy that ever got past legislation when i was a senator to make sure we eliminated assault weapons the idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire twenty thirty forty fifty a hundred and twenty shots from that weapon whether it's uh whether it's a nine millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle is ridiculous i'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things now uh first of all saying that murder is up but crime is down is like the doctor coming in and telling you good news your cholesterol levels are good uh bad news you have ebola it's not really anything to take solace in or be proud of if criminals are committing fewer non-violent crimes because they're too big they're too busy murdering people also it's hard to say that crime generally is down when places like california have simply stopped counting crime as crime just yesterday there was another video of two people this time out of tj maxx in los angeles strolling casually out of the store with an arm full of merchandise that they didn't pay for and they know the crime won't be prosecuted won't be counted this is especially egregious by the way t.j mass max where you can get i mean the guy walking out he's got like 15 pairs of jeans you could buy those 15 pairs of jeans at t.j.maxx max for maybe 15 total but why pay for it if you have no ethical if you have no no no moral sense whatsoever uh you don't care about anything like that you don't care about being honest and moral means nothing to you you're annihilus you're empty inside go ahead and take it but on the official record books there were no crimes committed yesterday at that tj maxx in los angeles and that's what biden means when he says crime is down the crime that we are counting is down but i'm burying the lead myself here because the bigger issue is that joe biden just came out and said that he wants to eliminate the sale of handguns not big scary assault weapons whatever those are exactly but handguns he says you don't need guns that fire 20 or 30 shots well that takes lots of different kinds of guns off the table one wonders how many rounds biden thinks our guns should have maybe he thinks we should all be carrying six shooters like the old west back in biden's youth either way it's not conspiracy to say that biden is coming for our guns he said it himself and he's doing it in the name of stopping a gun violence surge that has been driven almost exclusively by criminals who are using guns that they don't legally own in the first place the thug on the street corner shooting someone over drugs or money and that's what almost all of this is is already breaking 20 different laws biden hopes that by adding a 21st law for him to break that'll solve the problem perhaps the criminal will say well i'm willing to break 20 laws but not 21. i got to draw the line somewhere a man has to have some standards after all i have my doubts about that and anyway it doesn't matter or it shouldn't matter because the second amendment still exists as much as biden and his ilk wish it didn't that wasn't the only disturbing answer that we heard there was also this on the subject of masks the cdc is going to say that what you should do is everyone over the age of under the age of 12 should probably be wearing a mask in school that's probably what's going to happen secondly those over the age of 12 who are able to get vaccinated if you're vaccinated you shouldn't wear a mask if you aren't vaccinated you should be wearing a mask everyone under the age of 12. this manages somehow to be a more moderate position than the one taken by the american academy of pediatrics which like we talked about yesterday they announced that all kids ages three and up should be wearing masks vaccinated or not the entire school day and presumably outside of school too if they should be wearing it in school why shouldn't they be wearing it out of school the latter position was echoed by cnn doctor uh jonathan reiner who who called for every kid going to school of any age any vaccination status to uh wear a mask let's listen to that what is the safest bet for kids when school reopens in a matter of weeks yeah so i think uh every kid going to school should be masked uh vaccinated or not and i know this is this angers uh people who have been vaccinated but we need to protect everyone and we really can't tell who's been vaccinated and who hasn't i think every kid going to school should have a mask on to protect those who just have chosen not to be vaccinated and those who can't be uh you know moreover i think we need to accelerate vaccinations among adolescents we've only vaccinated about a third of eligible adolescents in this country this is a preventable illness every state in the united states requires vaccinations for school-age kids why is this vaccine any different preventable illness and he's right it is preventable do you know for kids um in almost every case what what prevents the illness for them their immune system so he's saying we need we need to they need to wear the masks to protect well to protect who who are you protecting all of the adults working at a school have the opportunity to get vaccinated and the vast majority certainly have been by now 80 percent of teachers were vaccinated by the end of march so where are we now those that's just the latest number i happen to see i'm i'm quite certain we are near 100 at this point and even if they weren't even last year when they weren't vaccinated still the kids posed almost no risk to them which is why the data showed that that schools were not vectors for transmission as had been predicted by the covid panic pushers why is that because kids by and large are an extremely low risk to get seriously sick from covet or to spread it we've always known this so who is their mask protecting who was it ever protecting now the adults in school are vaccinated and the kids again are not at any serious risk at all an article in new york magazine published yesterday as well actually made this point reading now it says the kids are safe they always have been it may sound strange given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods that according to cdc among children the mortality risk from kova 19 is actually lower than from the flu the risk of severe disease or hospitalization is about the same this is true for the much worried over delta variant it's also true for all of the other variants and for the original strain most remarkably it has been known to be true since the very earliest days of the pandemic indeed it was among the very first things we did know about the disease the preliminary mortality data from china was very clear to children covenanting represented only a vanishingly tiny threat of disease hospitalization or severe uh or of death hospitalization or severe disease now i read that to you because new york magazine is uh is is is not a right wing publication to put up mildly and this is all incontrovertibly true you can't get around this if kids should be masked for covet even now when with most adults vaccinated then kids should be masked all the time forever due to all the other diseases that pose a much greater statistical risk though i'm i'm realizing this maybe is not the best way to frame the argument i realize that saying well if kids have to wear masks for covid then they should wear masks for everything that's not the best way to get through to the mask cultists at this point because they're likely to just say yeah okay great idea let's put masks on them for everything all the time these people are such terminal cowards and their minds are so deluded and damaged that they're happy to have children live every day as though the very air they breathe is fatally toxic they would muzzle their kids deprive them of a normal life a normal childhood like the one that they had and the opportunity to do basic things like see each other's faces and smiles and they would do all of this are doing all of this simply to satiate their own outlandish paranoia putting masks on kids at this point at any point really but especially now is not only anti-science not only irrational and illogical not only does it contradict the data and the evidence but it's also child abuse in my opinion it's become a form of monsoon by proxy making your kid act like he's sick or think that he might become deathly sick and doing this all to satisfy your own strange psychological needs but the good news is that these mandates require our cooperation we can simply say no i'm not putting this thing on my kid's face just to make you feel better it's not going to happen and then let the chips fall where they may we're going to have to get to that point if we're not there already because it's clear it has and has been clear from the beginning that the tyrants simply will not ever let up otherwise now let's get to our five headlines the daily wire team in nashville continues to grow we currently have multiple open positions across the company all of which can be viewed at careers this week we're highlighting the paid media buyer opening the uh this member of the daily wire marketing team will create and execute paid media campaigns for daily wire we're looking for someone who is skilled with organization time management and attention to detail at least one year of previous professional experience in a paid media buyer or similar role is required and excel proficiency is crucial this is an in-office position in nashville tennessee so your qualified candidates should apply through careers here's some more good news for you this is from gallup it says for the second consecutive year u.s adults positive ratings of relations between black and white americans are at their lowest point in more than two decades of measurement currently 42 percent of americans say relations between the two groups are very or somewhat good while 57 say they are somewhat or very bad the most recent rating of black white relations in the us is not statistically different from last year's 44 however the reading has eroded nine percentage points over the past two years as the nation has grappled with the murder of george floyd and the subsequent nationwide protests and calls for racial justice a lot of air quotes around much of what i just read there especially protests calls for racial justice um as recently as 2001 70 of us adults raided black white relations positively that changed after several high-profile killings of unarmed black people by police officers around the us uh now i think this is worth pointing to this poll for a couple of reasons number one um back in 2001 70 rating it positively and that kind of confirms especially people in my generation what we've always what what we remember it's this is not just us looking back nostalgically through rosy colored glasses as people tend to do uh idealizing their past and their childhood it's not just that because my memory um of my own childhood and and uh adolescent a teenager in high school middle school my memory is that this all of this racial stuff it wasn't an issue we didn't talk about it or think about it um i went to schools that were very racially diverse and it i don't remember it being an issue it wasn't something that we talked about we didn't we didn't sit around the critical race theory had not it existed out there but it hadn't made its way into this into the school system at that level yet and so we didn't we didn't sit around every day talking about our racial differences and the fact that we're white in our whiteness and what that means and everything there was there was other forms of left-wing indoctrination that i recognized even at the time but not that as far as that goes we kind of went about our day as kids and whatever wasn't an issue that's certainly my memory of it and the polls if you look back at the polls and surveys whatever they tell us that would appear to to back that up um it's an issue now why is it an issue how's this happened well gallup says that it's because of police shootings but that's not it because we know that there has not been if if there had been over the last couple of years an epidemic of innocent unarmed men unarmed black men being murdered by the police then a huge spike an epidemic of this kind of thing then maybe the reason they're giving here might make some kind of sense but that epidemic doesn't exist it's not real as i have and i've presented the data many times i've written about it this is another incontrovertible fact the vast majority of police shootings are entirely justified clearly justified um and in the majority cases the the criminal the person who is shot is armed themselves killings of unarmed people black are white extremely rare and it happens more often to white people than it does to black people extremely extremely rare and even in many of those cases it's it is still a justified killing because very often the purp the perp is in the process of trying to kill police officers some other way like for instance instance trying to run them over with a car that counts as unarmed so that's what the facts say um but the media has taken these things as you have noticed and they have created this racial narrative if this is their fault so this is their handiwork the media they can look at this gallup poll and they can kind of say well our work here is done or maybe not done but perhaps our work here is just beginning our work has been a success so far phase one successful they can say this is all very intentional this is exactly what this is exactly the effect that they want to have this is the impact they were looking for because the epidemic of of racist white cops hunting down black men and killing them that is a media invention and they know that they're inventing it and there's a reason why they're doing it because this is what they want um and why do they want it a lot of reasons for that for one thing and we could never forget about this motivation when it comes to the media anyway this is always going to be the number one motivation for everything it you know ratings money uh money talks it gives them something to talk about you know blm rating the blm riots great for business for the media they can take a police shooting and uh george floyd great for business for the media and also it makes people easier to manipulate politically when there's this kind of racial tension tribalism um it's it's politically convenient it's good for business and that's the reason it's pretty simple but this is all them they have done that and now we're bringing into schools and we're and we're bringing this to kids and we are telling kids now from a very young age you know we are forcing them not just to notice the racial differences because of course anyone notices you see someone who looks different from you and you notice that they look different from you it's one thing to simply notice it and then go about your day but with the media and and now what the school system is saying is no this difference we want you to notice it we want you to focus on it we want you to think a lot about it and by the way if you're a white person even i hate to tell you but you are there's all kinds of guilt that you that you have inherited and you need to apologize for things you had nothing to do with yeah funny enough when you do that you've laid the groundwork and you're gonna end up with um race relations being in pretty bad shape bad shape relatively speaking to those of us who are just honest decent people we would call it bad the media though it's not bad for them this is great for them it's what they want all right this is from down in alabama i don't know i i i i i'm skeptical about so many things but you you tell me okay this one was being passed around on uh on social media quite a bit yesterday that's how i came across it so this is what the article says says dr brittany cobia said said monday that all but one of her coven 19 patients in alabama did not receive the vaccine the vaccinated patient she said uh just need a little oxygen is expected to fully recover some of the others are dying cobia a hospitalist at grandview medical center in birmingham in an emotional facebook post sunday said i'm admitting young people young healthy people to the hospital with very serious covet infections one of the last things they do before they're intubated is begging me for the vaccine i hold their hand and tell them that i'm sorry but it's too late um cobia told back in 2020 and early 2021 21 when the vaccine wasn't available it was just tragedy after tragedy of strategy you know so many people that did all the right things and yet still came in and were critically uh ill and died it says in the united states covet is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated so on and so forth we know about that um kobe continued on facebook a few days later when i call time of death i hug their families family members and i tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same okay now here's the part where the skepticism comes in they cry and they tell me they didn't know they thought it was a hoax they thought it was political they thought because they had a certain blood type or skin color they wouldn't get as sick they thought it was just the flu but they were wrong and they wish they could go back but they can't so they thank me and they go get the vaccine and i go back to my office write their death note and say a small prayer that this loss will save more lives okay that's the part there uh what she's been claimed is that multiple people in the hospital i don't know if she's talking about the family members of of the dead or the people the the the sick people right before they die say uh oh i thought only a certain skin color i thought old people only of only a certain skin color would get sick you tell me do you do you buy that multiple people are saying that and the implication here obviously is that these are white people who are saying oh i didn't know white people could get this also who who thinks that i i haven't i've interacted with lots of people all across the spectrum in terms of their view of covid i haven't heard that from anyone i haven't heard a single person say that to me so yeah call me skeptical in fact i'm gonna i'll i'll just straight up say i do not believe this but this is we we have seen this over and over again from these medical professionals they feel the need to um you know to kind of to kind of puff up the story a little bit exaggerate a little bit and then you you lose credibility because otherwise the fact that she's dealt with dying covered patients i certainly believe that it's a very upsetting and horrible thing i believe that most of the people that are seriously sick from kova that she's dealing with now are unvaccinated certainly believe that too so stick with that and tell us about your experiences that's fine but you feel the need to racialize it make it political and then all of the credibility is is out the window everything else you said no one's paying attention anymore all right next is from the daily wire it says a uh a well-known black social activist targeted famed harry potter author uh jk rowling on wednesday patronizely patronizingly avoiding her name and tweeting jk rowling is just another violent white woman brie newsome who was lauded by then-presidential candidate hillary clinton in 2016 for shimmying up the flagpole and removing the confederate flag from the south carolina state house 2015 apparently was referring to rowling's exchange regarding the transgender community as she continued ranting talking about jk rowling she said what she did is classic violent white woman behavior go out of her way to use her powerful position to target a minority group that already experiences daily systemic violence and then claim that she's the real victim when there's backlash unlike those she targeted for no reason who are already disproportionately the victims of violence murder and hate crimes she can afford personal security uh can even afford to live isolated in luxury if she wants to she's she sees no connection has no empathy a violent personality as the article goes on to talk about uh while jk rowling is is accused of being violent committing violence against people because of for for sharing her opinion her opinion which is which should not qualify as conservative or right wing or anything um her opinion is in fact i'm not even sure if she goes this far i was going to say that her opinion is that there there are you know biological differences between men and women and that's what determines what what your sex is but i'm not even sure if maybe she's gone that far if we could call that going far um mainly she just doesn't think that you know men should be in locker rooms with women and that sort of thing um and she is the one who has received death threats um you know there was someone who tweeted at her over the weekend and that she was responding to who said that she wishes someone would put up would put a uh a pipe pipe bomb in her mailbox and that kind of thing now i bring this up because jk rowling uh left-wing author she is one of the few people that we've seen i think she deserves some credit she's one of the few people that we've seen that has experienced this kind of intense sustained backlash for years now i i can only imagine you see what's what's tweeted at her what people say to her and comments publicly openly threatening to kill her so whatever you see publicly keep in mind that it's going to be about 10 times worse in the private messages she gets and she's been getting that for months and probably years now and has not let up and she wasn't backing down here either and i'll give her some credit for that yeah now yes she's a multi-multi-millionaire and so she can afford to tell these people to piss off basically but being a multi-millionaire and having a lot of money that hasn't stopped many other people from caving anyway uh but she has so i probably don't agree with her on anything else but on this at least when i see someone simply just standing their ground um making a really obvious common sense observation or expressing a

#TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWiretoday on the matt walsh show president biden had a town hall event yesterday and mostly he babbled incoherently as he tends to do but the coherent parts were the most disturbing among other things he called for kids under the age of 12 to wear masks we'll talk about why pushing masks on kids especially at this point is irrational anti-science and i would also say abusive also our five headlines including a new poll which shows that race relations are at their lowest point in decades i wonder who we can blame for that and jk rowling continues to stand firm in the face of insane hatred from trans activists and also in our daily cancellation i will address the very intense very intense backlash from my review of a bts song will be posted to my youtube channel this weekend all of that and more today on the matt walsh show one of the sad facts among many about being an adult in this world is that you have to pay money for everything all the time this is one of the most shocking things to realize as an adult is that wow everything costs money but there's so many things you have to pay for monthly insurance should be the least of your words you don't need to add that onto the pile and that's what policy genius can do for you they can make it easy to compare home and insurance and auto insurance in one place they make it very easy and very cheap they can help you find home and auto coverage similar to what you have now but at a lower price they've saved customers an average of 1200 per year over what they were paying for home and auto insurance in the past their team will handle the paperwork for you um and set up everything for you all you got to do is just head to answer a few questions about yourself and your property then policy genius takes it from there they make it to make it idiot proof and they make it very affordable for you they'll compare rates from america's top insurers from progressive to allstate and find your lowest quotes if you want to take advantage of this then go to to get started right now policy genius when it comes to insurance it's nice to get it right so president biden a town hall event last night hosted by cnn moderated by political activist don lemon anyone deranged enough to sit and watch the whole thing while it was live may have noticed that the camera only ever showed the front couple of rows in the auditorium that's because every row but the few up front were empty it continues to be you can see the picture there continues to be apparent that the decaying old man waddling around and speaking in semi-coherent half sentences doesn't inspire a lot of enthusiasm what a shock now that characterization may have been a little unfair i have to admit i shouldn't say that he's semi-coherent that probably gives him too much credit here he is answering a question about when children under 12 will be able to get vaccinated and i only know the question he was trying to answer because it's written on the screen otherwise i'd be at a loss listen it's like the other question is illogical and i've heard you speak about it because you always i'm not being solicitous but you you're always straight up about what you're doing and the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh um are why can't the the the experts say we know that this virus is in fact uh is it it's going to be uh or assuming we we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved that's underway too i expect that to occur quickly well that means you mean for the fda for the fda yeah so the federal drug administration yes a presidential quote that will go down in history alongside the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and i don't know roosevelt's man and the man in the arena speech will also be this quoting what you just heard there i've heard you speak about because you always i'm not being solicitous but you you're always straight up about what you're doing and the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are why can't and the experts say we know this virus is in fact is is going to be excuse me we all know the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved joe biden 2021 but other times of course the sentences coming out of his mouth were more or less intelligible while the overall point or message made no sense at all such was the case with his answer on uh the question of inflation you seem pretty confident that that inflation is temporary but if you're pumping all of this money into the economy couldn't that add to no look here's the deal moody's today when a wall street firm not some liberal think tank said if we pass the other two things i'm trying to get done we will in fact reduce inflation reduce inflation reduce inflation because we're going to be providing good opportunities and jobs for people who in fact are going to be reinvesting that money back in all the things we're talking about okay so by spending trillions of dollars we will reduce inflation or excuse me we will not just reduce inflation but reduce inflation reduce inflation reduce inflation maybe inflation is like a witch's curse and all you have to do is say the magical incantation three times and it'll go away magical limitations after all have just as much of a chance of reducing inflation as a multi-trillion dollar spending bill does now it's fun to laugh at the nonsense but as always the biden or any other democrat they're the most terrifying when they are the most coherent and i mean coherent in a relative sense of course the point is that biden will disturb you the most when you're able to actually understand what he's trying to say and i'd say that was certainly the case with his answer on gun violence actually crime is down gun violence and murder rates are up guns i'm the only guy that ever got past legislation when i was a senator to make sure we eliminated assault weapons the idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire twenty thirty forty fifty a hundred and twenty shots from that weapon whether it's uh whether it's a nine millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle is ridiculous i'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things now uh first of all saying that murder is up but crime is down is like the doctor coming in and telling you good news your cholesterol levels are good uh bad news you have ebola it's not really anything to take solace in or be proud of if criminals are committing fewer non-violent crimes because they're too big they're too busy murdering people also it's hard to say that crime generally is down when places like california have simply stopped counting crime as crime just yesterday there was another video of two people this time out of tj maxx in los angeles strolling casually out of the store with an arm full of merchandise that they didn't pay for and they know the crime won't be prosecuted won't be counted this is especially egregious by the way t.j mass max where you can get i mean the guy walking out he's got like 15 pairs of jeans you could buy those 15 pairs of jeans at t.j.maxx max for maybe 15 total but why pay for it if you have no ethical if you have no no no moral sense whatsoever uh you don't care about anything like that you don't care about being honest and moral means nothing to you you're annihilus you're empty inside go ahead and take it but on the official record books there were no crimes committed yesterday at that tj maxx in los angeles and that's what biden means when he says crime is down the crime that we are counting is down but i'm burying the lead myself here because the bigger issue is that joe biden just came out and said that he wants to eliminate the sale of handguns not big scary assault weapons whatever those are exactly but handguns he says you don't need guns that fire 20 or 30 shots well that takes lots of different kinds of guns off the table one wonders how many rounds biden thinks our guns should have maybe he thinks we should all be carrying six shooters like the old west back in biden's youth either way it's not conspiracy to say that biden is coming for our guns he said it himself and he's doing it in the name of stopping a gun violence surge that has been driven almost exclusively by criminals who are using guns that they don't legally own in the first place the thug on the street corner shooting someone over drugs or money and that's what almost all of this is is already breaking 20 different laws biden hopes that by adding a 21st law for him to break that'll solve the problem perhaps the criminal will say well i'm willing to break 20 laws but not 21. i got to draw the line somewhere a man has to have some standards after all i have my doubts about that and anyway it doesn't matter or it shouldn't matter because the second amendment still exists as much as biden and his ilk wish it didn't that wasn't the only disturbing answer that we heard there was also this on the subject of masks the cdc is going to say that what you should do is everyone over the age of under the age of 12 should probably be wearing a mask in school that's probably what's going to happen secondly those over the age of 12 who are able to get vaccinated if you're vaccinated you shouldn't wear a mask if you aren't vaccinated you should be wearing a mask everyone under the age of 12. this manages somehow to be a more moderate position than the one taken by the american academy of pediatrics which like we talked about yesterday they announced that all kids ages three and up should be wearing masks vaccinated or not the entire school day and presumably outside of school too if they should be wearing it in school why shouldn't they be wearing it out of school the latter position was echoed by cnn doctor uh jonathan reiner who who called for every kid going to school of any age any vaccination status to uh wear a mask let's listen to that what is the safest bet for kids when school reopens in a matter of weeks yeah so i think uh every kid going to school should be masked uh vaccinated or not and i know this is this angers uh people who have been vaccinated but we need to protect everyone and we really can't tell who's been vaccinated and who hasn't i think every kid going to school should have a mask on to protect those who just have chosen not to be vaccinated and those who can't be uh you know moreover i think we need to accelerate vaccinations among adolescents we've only vaccinated about a third of eligible adolescents in this country this is a preventable illness every state in the united states requires vaccinations for school-age kids why is this vaccine any different preventable illness and he's right it is preventable do you know for kids um in almost every case what what prevents the illness for them their immune system so he's saying we need we need to they need to wear the masks to protect well to protect who who are you protecting all of the adults working at a school have the opportunity to get vaccinated and the vast majority certainly have been by now 80 percent of teachers were vaccinated by the end of march so where are we now those that's just the latest number i happen to see i'm i'm quite certain we are near 100 at this point and even if they weren't even last year when they weren't vaccinated still the kids posed almost no risk to them which is why the data showed that that schools were not vectors for transmission as had been predicted by the covid panic pushers why is that because kids by and large are an extremely low risk to get seriously sick from covet or to spread it we've always known this so who is their mask protecting who was it ever protecting now the adults in school are vaccinated and the kids again are not at any serious risk at all an article in new york magazine published yesterday as well actually made this point reading now it says the kids are safe they always have been it may sound strange given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods that according to cdc among children the mortality risk from kova 19 is actually lower than from the flu the risk of severe disease or hospitalization is about the same this is true for the much worried over delta variant it's also true for all of the other variants and for the original strain most remarkably it has been known to be true since the very earliest days of the pandemic indeed it was among the very first things we did know about the disease the preliminary mortality data from china was very clear to children covenanting represented only a vanishingly tiny threat of disease hospitalization or severe uh or of death hospitalization or severe disease now i read that to you because new york magazine is uh is is is not a right wing publication to put up mildly and this is all incontrovertibly true you can't get around this if kids should be masked for covet even now when with most adults vaccinated then kids should be masked all the time forever due to all the other diseases that pose a much greater statistical risk though i'm i'm realizing this maybe is not the best way to frame the argument i realize that saying well if kids have to wear masks for covid then they should wear masks for everything that's not the best way to get through to the mask cultists at this point because they're likely to just say yeah okay great idea let's put masks on them for everything all the time these people are such terminal cowards and their minds are so deluded and damaged that they're happy to have children live every day as though the very air they breathe is fatally toxic they would muzzle their kids deprive them of a normal life a normal childhood like the one that they had and the opportunity to do basic things like see each other's faces and smiles and they would do all of this are doing all of this simply to satiate their own outlandish paranoia putting masks on kids at this point at any point really but especially now is not only anti-science not only irrational and illogical not only does it contradict the data and the evidence but it's also child abuse in my opinion it's become a form of monsoon by proxy making your kid act like he's sick or think that he might become deathly sick and doing this all to satisfy your own strange psychological needs but the good news is that these mandates require our cooperation we can simply say no i'm not putting this thing on my kid's face just to make you feel better it's not going to happen and then let the chips fall where they may we're going to have to get to that point if we're not there already because it's clear it has and has been clear from the beginning that the tyrants simply will not ever let up otherwise now let's get to our five headlines the daily wire team in nashville continues to grow we currently have multiple open positions across the company all of which can be viewed at careers this week we're highlighting the paid media buyer opening the uh this member of the daily wire marketing team will create and execute paid media campaigns for daily wire we're looking for someone who is skilled with organization time management and attention to detail at least one year of previous professional experience in a paid media buyer or similar role is required and excel proficiency is crucial this is an in-office position in nashville tennessee so your qualified candidates should apply through careers here's some more good news for you this is from gallup it says for the second consecutive year u.s adults positive ratings of relations between black and white americans are at their lowest point in more than two decades of measurement currently 42 percent of americans say relations between the two groups are very or somewhat good while 57 say they are somewhat or very bad the most recent rating of black white relations in the us is not statistically different from last year's 44 however the reading has eroded nine percentage points over the past two years as the nation has grappled with the murder of george floyd and the subsequent nationwide protests and calls for racial justice a lot of air quotes around much of what i just read there especially protests calls for racial justice um as recently as 2001 70 of us adults raided black white relations positively that changed after several high-profile killings of unarmed black people by police officers around the us uh now i think this is worth pointing to this poll for a couple of reasons number one um back in 2001 70 rating it positively and that kind of confirms especially people in my generation what we've always what what we remember it's this is not just us looking back nostalgically through rosy colored glasses as people tend to do uh idealizing their past and their childhood it's not just that because my memory um of my own childhood and and uh adolescent a teenager in high school middle school my memory is that this all of this racial stuff it wasn't an issue we didn't talk about it or think about it um i went to schools that were very racially diverse and it i don't remember it being an issue it wasn't something that we talked about we didn't we didn't sit around the critical race theory had not it existed out there but it hadn't made its way into this into the school system at that level yet and so we didn't we didn't sit around every day talking about our racial differences and the fact that we're white in our whiteness and what that means and everything there was there was other forms of left-wing indoctrination that i recognized even at the time but not that as far as that goes we kind of went about our day as kids and whatever wasn't an issue that's certainly my memory of it and the polls if you look back at the polls and surveys whatever they tell us that would appear to to back that up um it's an issue now why is it an issue how's this happened well gallup says that it's because of police shootings but that's not it because we know that there has not been if if there had been over the last couple of years an epidemic of innocent unarmed men unarmed black men being murdered by the police then a huge spike an epidemic of this kind of thing then maybe the reason they're giving here might make some kind of sense but that epidemic doesn't exist it's not real as i have and i've presented the data many times i've written about it this is another incontrovertible fact the vast majority of police shootings are entirely justified clearly justified um and in the majority cases the the criminal the person who is shot is armed themselves killings of unarmed people black are white extremely rare and it happens more often to white people than it does to black people extremely extremely rare and even in many of those cases it's it is still a justified killing because very often the purp the perp is in the process of trying to kill police officers some other way like for instance instance trying to run them over with a car that counts as unarmed so that's what the facts say um but the media has taken these things as you have noticed and they have created this racial narrative if this is their fault so this is their handiwork the media they can look at this gallup poll and they can kind of say well our work here is done or maybe not done but perhaps our work here is just beginning our work has been a success so far phase one successful they can say this is all very intentional this is exactly what this is exactly the effect that they want to have this is the impact they were looking for because the epidemic of of racist white cops hunting down black men and killing them that is a media invention and they know that they're inventing it and there's a reason why they're doing it because this is what they want um and why do they want it a lot of reasons for that for one thing and we could never forget about this motivation when it comes to the media anyway this is always going to be the number one motivation for everything it you know ratings money uh money talks it gives them something to talk about you know blm rating the blm riots great for business for the media they can take a police shooting and uh george floyd great for business for the media and also it makes people easier to manipulate politically when there's this kind of racial tension tribalism um it's it's politically convenient it's good for business and that's the reason it's pretty simple but this is all them they have done that and now we're bringing into schools and we're and we're bringing this to kids and we are telling kids now from a very young age you know we are forcing them not just to notice the racial differences because of course anyone notices you see someone who looks different from you and you notice that they look different from you it's one thing to simply notice it and then go about your day but with the media and and now what the school system is saying is no this difference we want you to notice it we want you to focus on it we want you to think a lot about it and by the way if you're a white person even i hate to tell you but you are there's all kinds of guilt that you that you have inherited and you need to apologize for things you had nothing to do with yeah funny enough when you do that you've laid the groundwork and you're gonna end up with um race relations being in pretty bad shape bad shape relatively speaking to those of us who are just honest decent people we would call it bad the media though it's not bad for them this is great for them it's what they want all right this is from down in alabama i don't know i i i i i'm skeptical about so many things but you you tell me okay this one was being passed around on uh on social media quite a bit yesterday that's how i came across it so this is what the article says says dr brittany cobia said said monday that all but one of her coven 19 patients in alabama did not receive the vaccine the vaccinated patient she said uh just need a little oxygen is expected to fully recover some of the others are dying cobia a hospitalist at grandview medical center in birmingham in an emotional facebook post sunday said i'm admitting young people young healthy people to the hospital with very serious covet infections one of the last things they do before they're intubated is begging me for the vaccine i hold their hand and tell them that i'm sorry but it's too late um cobia told back in 2020 and early 2021 21 when the vaccine wasn't available it was just tragedy after tragedy of strategy you know so many people that did all the right things and yet still came in and were critically uh ill and died it says in the united states covet is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated so on and so forth we know about that um kobe continued on facebook a few days later when i call time of death i hug their families family members and i tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same okay now here's the part where the skepticism comes in they cry and they tell me they didn't know they thought it was a hoax they thought it was political they thought because they had a certain blood type or skin color they wouldn't get as sick they thought it was just the flu but they were wrong and they wish they could go back but they can't so they thank me and they go get the vaccine and i go back to my office write their death note and say a small prayer that this loss will save more lives okay that's the part there uh what she's been claimed is that multiple people in the hospital i don't know if she's talking about the family members of of the dead or the people the the the sick people right before they die say uh oh i thought only a certain skin color i thought old people only of only a certain skin color would get sick you tell me do you do you buy that multiple people are saying that and the implication here obviously is that these are white people who are saying oh i didn't know white people could get this also who who thinks that i i haven't i've interacted with lots of people all across the spectrum in terms of their view of covid i haven't heard that from anyone i haven't heard a single person say that to me so yeah call me skeptical in fact i'm gonna i'll i'll just straight up say i do not believe this but this is we we have seen this over and over again from these medical professionals they feel the need to um you know to kind of to kind of puff up the story a little bit exaggerate a little bit and then you you lose credibility because otherwise the fact that she's dealt with dying covered patients i certainly believe that it's a very upsetting and horrible thing i believe that most of the people that are seriously sick from kova that she's dealing with now are unvaccinated certainly believe that too so stick with that and tell us about your experiences that's fine but you feel the need to racialize it make it political and then all of the credibility is is out the window everything else you said no one's paying attention anymore all right next is from the daily wire it says a uh a well-known black social activist targeted famed harry potter author uh jk rowling on wednesday patronizely patronizingly avoiding her name and tweeting jk rowling is just another violent white woman brie newsome who was lauded by then-presidential candidate hillary clinton in 2016 for shimmying up the flagpole and removing the confederate flag from the south carolina state house 2015 apparently was referring to rowling's exchange regarding the transgender community as she continued ranting talking about jk rowling she said what she did is classic violent white woman behavior go out of her way to use her powerful position to target a minority group that already experiences daily systemic violence and then claim that she's the real victim when there's backlash unlike those she targeted for no reason who are already disproportionately the victims of violence murder and hate crimes she can afford personal security uh can even afford to live isolated in luxury if she wants to she's she sees no connection has no empathy a violent personality as the article goes on to talk about uh while jk rowling is is accused of being violent committing violence against people because of for for sharing her opinion her opinion which is which should not qualify as conservative or right wing or anything um her opinion is in fact i'm not even sure if she goes this far i was going to say that her opinion is that there there are you know biological differences between men and women and that's what determines what what your sex is but i'm not even sure if maybe she's gone that far if we could call that going far um mainly she just doesn't think that you know men should be in locker rooms with women and that sort of thing um and she is the one who has received death threats um you know there was someone who tweeted at her over the weekend and that she was responding to who said that she wishes someone would put up would put a uh a pipe pipe bomb in her mailbox and that kind of thing now i bring this up because jk rowling uh left-wing author she is one of the few people that we've seen i think she deserves some credit she's one of the few people that we've seen that has experienced this kind of intense sustained backlash for years now i i can only imagine you see what's what's tweeted at her what people say to her and comments publicly openly threatening to kill her so whatever you see publicly keep in mind that it's going to be about 10 times worse in the private messages she gets and she's been getting that for months and probably years now and has not let up and she wasn't backing down here either and i'll give her some credit for that yeah now yes she's a multi-multi-millionaire and so she can afford to tell these people to piss off basically but being a multi-millionaire and having a lot of money that hasn't stopped many other people from caving anyway uh but she has so i probably don't agree with her on anything else but on this at least when i see someone simply just standing their ground um making a really obvious common sense observation or expressing a

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