The Sopranos - The Greatest Gangster Story Ever Told
00:48 "... the sopranos and i just want to take a ..."
01:00 "... the sopranos and what ..."
01:04 "... and part of the genius of the sopranos ..."
02:56 "... of sopranos the sopranos is this tv show ..."
03:16 "... but in the sopranos tv shows people stay ..."
03:31 "... that's one of the points of the sopranos ..."
03:37 "... but another theme of the sopranos and ..."

The Sopranos wasn't just one of the best gangster shows of all time, it was one of the best TV shows of all time. Andrew Klavan should know, as a Hugo award-winning novelist writing compelling mystery stories, Andrew has broken down the genre on numerous occasions. So, what made “The Sopranos” so great? What did David Chase do – the creator of “The Sopranos” – that transcended the show from simple mafia shoot’em up to a classic American tale? Andrew discussed in a previous episode about show creators falling in love with evil once it becomes interesting, instead of showing the repercussions for the evil in their main characters, they love their characters so much they get attached to their ways and ultimately let some things work out for them. Take the Godfather Part III, that’s why the film was so bad, it lost its essence, which was showing the repercussions of bad actions. The film series started as tragedy, but didn’t end like one. Also “Breaking Bad” – although the show is phenomenal, the creator couldn’t even bring himself to kill off the main character, making the character make the ultimate choice instead and redeeming him. We also find out “The Sopranos” is a little bit like Shakespeare – take a watch and find out how.

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Jun 29th 2021
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