The Hidden Meaning of the Movie “Coraline”

Coraline is a popular stop-motion movie released in 2009. While the film appears to be aimed at young people, Coraline’s imagery tells a hidden story: The programming of a mind control slave at the hands of a sadistic handler. We’ll look at the hidden meaning of the movie Coraline.

Warning: Gigantic spoilers ahead!

Coraline was the first animated movie released by Focus Pictures, the same company that later released 9, another animated movie with a dark underlying meaning (read the article about it here). However, unlike 9, Coraline received rave reviews and almost universal praise for its story and visuals. Part of the movie’s appeal is its simple, child-friendly premise interlaced with twisted imagery and psychological depth. And, for those who know about Mind Control...

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Jan 14th 2014
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