mediocre 80's comedy made in the 90's
When I started watching this film I had to check when it was made, because boy did it give me an very weird vibe, basically like watching an 80's comedy film, but apparently it was made in '99. So this film would have felt dated when it came out.
What is exactly wrong with this films? Well it is not so much the story, the production, the humor or the quality of the film per see, it's primarily the two actors, the couple played by Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn, lack chemistry, are badly cast and not funny at all, this in combination with some weird and out-of-place fetish stuff, just drags down the entire film.
This is sad, because had they cast two different actors, dumped the fetish stuff and perhaps tweaked the situational comedy a little bit, this would have been a fun little comedy flick. Now it's completely forgettable.
Jan 19th 2025

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