Space kino at its finest
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There are several aspects necessary for a space kino to go right; many have tried and failed (like Ad Astra, that boring as sh*t one with Brad Pitt) because they only take the surface elements from 2001 and think it's all about some nebulous 'atmosphere'. They don't understand what makes a space kino work. However, a few movies nail the razor's edge between extreme solitude and beauty, and this is one of them. I don't want to go into the plot too much as it works better not knowing in advance, but I will comment on the intelligent and sparse use of realism. For example it gets the physics right on the time it takes to send messages/change direction, or the inability of the robot to understand trust, or the way the artificial gravity works. These things are presented very subtly and not in your face and that makes them 100x more powerful than cheesy sci-fi that has to over-explain crappy plot devices. Overall a great flick.  
Jan 11th 2025
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