Stage-drama and action flick
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Ah, the 90's adaption of Cyrano de Bergerac, what's not to like? Depardieu as lead-actor, a poetic-drama set to film, with plenty of action scenes added, a very vibrant and lively depiction of 17th century France, lots of humor, some value dissonance (his cousin!), no nudity, the elevation of pure love. This is a terrific film. But, even though I like it I can understand why a lot of people would not, because this is an adaption of a play and a high-brow one at that, it uses a lot of flowery dialogue to get it's message across, to anyone looking for a straight forward purely narrative driven story, this is not it. But... it does offer enough action and enough humor to keep the casual viewer entertained at least part of the time, in that sense still recommended to most viewers.
Dec 29th 2024
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