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I saw this movie recently with a friend in theaters. I felt like the movie sorta dragged on and lacked explantation. The movie is based in a concert where a father and his little girl are going to see her Idol. The entire movie this 'butcher' murderer guy is trying to escape since law enforcement set up a trap for him. I couldn't stand Lady Raven's character as it is your usual feminist bs and how she tries to be the hero and save the day. Her overall acting was terrible. I felt the story could have been better if they provided more of a background as to who this butcher guy was and if they added more action and perhaps mystery. Give the story more depth! Towards the end it gets confusing and you sit there wondering if this dude is somehow superhuman and god why isn't it over yet !! Overall not worth the watch as the movie is just a drag and again lacks any good storytelling.
Sep 23rd 2024
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  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    RWT 27 September 7:45

    Everyone White in M Night Shamalyan’s “Old” was a bad guy, & now this film makes it clear it’s not just coincidental 2020’s casting trying to avoid controversy. That curry [redacted] is an anti-White Pajeet ungrateful for the wealth he’s gotten in the West. Like all of the second generation Pajeets who come and subvert IT companies. 

    That film’s synopsis sounds like it was based on Ariana Grande’s concert and his daughter looks like her too. And ofc, in reality the scum that trapped a bunch of innocent little (White) girls was a Muzzie from Libya.


    But Shamalyan portrays the exact opposite scenario where the White male family man is to not be trusted. Hollywood always inverts reality like they did with “A Time To Kill” (1996).

    Glad I didn’t watch this crap, thanks for saving me 2 hours.  
    Did not redeem

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 26 September 19:56

    The messaging in this is terrible
    >your dad is secretly an evil killer
    >family men with normal lives are secretly evil killers
    >mystery meat pop stars good