Horrible feminist crap
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Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
Fedora Tipping

I watched this several months ago - my wife and I were on a Tudors kick. This was by far the worst of anything we watched. I try to watch movies without looking up any spoilers, but I should have glanced at this one, as the director admits up front that it is a feminists' take on Mary.

The director is quoted as saying, "Just so you know, Iโ€™m not doing to direct an all-white period drama. Thatโ€™s not something Iโ€™m going to do."ย The ambassador to Scotland is a black man, there is a Chinese woman as Elizabeth's assistant, and they even wedged a trans person in (and you guessed it, Mary's husband was a secret homosexual, seduced by the trans-person).

Off set, Margot Robbie nonchalantly thinks murdering men is awesome. Regarding one of the historical figures in the movie, she is quoted as saying, "Bess of Hardwick is such a badass. She should have her own movie. She had like six husbands who all mysteriously died, a.k.a. she probably murdered them and then sheโ€™d go and marry a richer one!"

All of this misandry, LGBTQ, diversity, and feminism is overtly expressed throughout the entire film and leave the story devoid of any historical accuracy.

I know what you're thinking, "what would you expect from a period piece by women, for women!?" Well, I was expecting some historically fibs to spice up the story, but to be able to get a glimpse into the United Kingdom's past. I was wrong. Don't waste five minutes on this movie (or anything else directed by Jose Rourke).

Sep 8th 2020
This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
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