Fantasy action show
This is a Japanese animation made in 2017. It is available with English dubbing(voices). The series' genre includes fantasy, action and comedy. The story is really good, it is about two magicians from the countryside of a kingdom, they were relatively weak but want to prove themselves by reaching the capital and joining the magic knights. The protagonist makes clear his intention of becoming the leader of all the nation's mages. The story then continues about the adventures of the two men and many other characters protecting the kingdom from various evildoers. The main messages of the series is to inspire determination and hard work to young male viewers. The series unlike other Japanese animations does manage to do humor quite well with jokes and funny situations. The animation, especially of the fight scenes is quite spectacular proving the high budget of the project. The location for this series is fictitious but reminiscent of Europe through the architecture and people's appearances and names. These movies made in Japan tend to not have anything woke in them. They include no black characters, nothing gay. They included a couple of feminists and fat people but only to make fun of them.
Aug 22nd 2024
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shonen trash