To Go Woke Before Anyone Has
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3.7 Stars Discourse online about whether Star Trek (original, Next Generation, & DS9) is proto-woke enough to fit the label or not seems to pop up every so often, I went into watching some episodes believing that the people claiming Star Trek wasn't woke were arguing through a lens of nostalgia, trying to salvage memories of a good old show they remember liking. After watching some episodes I am more split between the sides of the argument. I went through the IMDB episode list and watched most of the higher rated episodes and filtered out some of the repetitive and weaker themes that are overused a lot to build any easy plot that can be resolved in a single episode. It's kind of funny how the episodes less related to the tagline of the show (exploring the galaxy, encountering new races, and galactic diplomatic) are some of the worst episodes in my opinion. The best episodes, and the ones that contain less proto-woke writing, are the ones where the crew of the Enterprise are just messing around in the Holodeck or encountering one of the god like entities the crew comes across in space, especially episodes with The Entity Q. Some positive, almost based themes, in Next Generation are the references to classical literature, music and historical references, which are more of a mixed bag than the other two.
Jun 3rd 2023
This review was posted from the Isle of Man or from a VPN in the Isle of Man.
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