Too Clever by Half: A Review of Adam McKay’s Vice

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Like an ingeniously designed, iridescent funhouse, Adam McKay’s latest film, Vice, will sneer at you from multiple directions. It’s as dishonest as it is clever, yet its uncanny cultural relevance makes it worth discussing regardless of its checkered merits.

More of a rehash of Democratic talking points than a biopic, Vice intends most of all to kick dirt on the career and character of former Vice President Dick Cheney. We should keep in mind, however, that these attacks come from the Left, not the Right. Furthermore, they are mostly old attacks. Anyone paying attention to the news in the 2000s will remember these tropes being touted by CNN and The New York Times while being rejected by the likes of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. This will likely put people on the Dissident...

Contains Mention
Jan 3rd 2019
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